8 merge requests!43Merging frontend-testing into master,!38"Made progressbar dynamic in accordance to spending. Added balance field....,!37Made the sub progress bars respond to changes in expense,!32Added input validation to add dialog boxes.,!30Redesigned scenes,!29Redesigned scenes,!28Redesigned scenes,!26Redesigned Main menu and expense/income windows
* Controller for budget scene in the application. This controller manages all actions that relates to the budget tableview (add, edit and delete), the switching
* of scenes from the budget scene to another scene, and the saving of the table, whenever the user switches to another scene.
* @author Anders Emil Bergan
* @since 24.3.2023
@@ -67,35 +74,53 @@ public class BudgetController {
* Initializes the budget register, the observable budget list and the tableview, along with all dynamic fields that relates to the tableview.
* The method is called each time the FXML of this scene is loaded.
* @throws IOException If there occurs any exception when loading the budget register from a file.
* Adds or edits a budget item, depending on what mode the DialogMode enum is at. The method brings up a dialog box popup in which the user can fill and choose
* values that the budget item will have. Open exiting the popup, the changes the saved to the tableview.
* @param event A button click on either the add or delete button.
* Deletes an entry from the tableview, if an entry has been selected. The method brings up a popup window, asking for confirmation for deleting the entry.
* @param event A button click on the delete button
* Method that either reads data from a file with which it fills a budget register, if this is an old budget, or instantiates a budget register if this is a new budget.
* @param fileName The name of the file that is being read from.
* @return An object of type GeneralBudget.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading from the file.