* Method that either reads data from a file with which it fills an income register, if older changes exist, or instantiates an income register if the file is empty.
* @param fileName The name of the file that is being read from.
showErrorDialogBox("File reading error","Error in reading from file","Could not"
+"read the IncomeRegister from file");
* Method that either reads data from a file with which it fills an expense register, if older changes exist, or instantiates an expense register if the file is empty.
* @param fileName The name of the file that is being read from.
showErrorDialogBox("File reading error","Error in reading from file","Could not"
+"read the ExpenseRegister from file");
* Method that either reads data from a file with which it fills a budget register, if this is an old budget, or instantiates a budget register if this is a new budget.
* @param fileName The name of the file that is being read from.