- Dec 12, 2023
Magnus Eik authored
Refactor: Better ordering of methods.
Magnus Eik authored
Refactor: Better sorted method.
Magnus Eik authored
Refactor: Google-style changes.
Magnus Eik authored
Refactor: Moved verification methods to a new Verification class. Code was refactored to work with new class. Feat: New method setTrackFromTrainNumber in TrainDepartureRegister. Refactor: UserInterface changes to work with setTrackFromTrainNumber Feat: New method addTrainDepartureFromInput in TrainDepartureRegister. Refactor: UserInterface changes to work with addTrainDepartureFromInput.
- Dec 11, 2023
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
# Conflicts: # README.md
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: Removed unit test testNegativeDelayException from TrainDepartureRegisterTest. It is redundant. Refactor: Changed setMinuteDelay() to addMinuteDelay(). The new name better reflects the functionality of the method. Docs: Signification additions to JavaDocs for methods in UserInterface
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: Changes to imports.
- Dec 10, 2023
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: Changed TrainDeparture constructor to use setters with verification. Previously used verification in constructor. Fields for line, destination, and originalDeparture where changed to non-final, but do not have public setters.
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Refactor: Moved position of verifyPositveDuration in code.
Magnus Eik authored
Refactor: Changes to keep code in line with Google Checks.
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: Added checks for train number in UserInterface to ensure user cannot try making changes to non-existent train.
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: TrainDeparture constructor now allows -1 as trainTrack. Created new verification verifyPositiveOrNotMinusOneIn(). Refactoring: Moved tests in folder structure.
Magnus Eik authored
Docs: Working on various JavaDocs links Refactor: Changed folder postion for kandidat.
Magnus Eik authored
Docs: Working on various JavaDocs links Refactor: Changed folder postion for kandidat.
Magnus Eik authored
Docs: JavaDoc Refactor: Reduced coupling in UserInterface by creating new TrainDeparture inside TrainDepartureRegister methods.
- Dec 09, 2023
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: Added unit tests to both TrainDepartureRegisterTest and TrainDepartureTest. Changed updateCurrentTime() to throw exceptions for earlier time input parameter. Added changes to UserInterface to ensure it works with new updateCurrentTime()
Magnus Eik authored
Feat: Added verifyLocalTime to TrainDeparture to verify LocalTime. Removing verification methods for minute, long and hour. These are no longer used. Feat: Major overhaul of JUnit-tests for TrainDeparture and TrainDepartureRegister. Docs: Improvements and corrections to JavaDoc.
kjk authored
kjk authored
- Dec 08, 2023
kjk authored
kjk authored
Changed TrainDeparture toString to a different way of printing values using method printTrainDeparture().
kjk authored
Fixing UI for list of Train Departures based on destination. Fixed bugs in related methods. Made better use of init() in UserInterface.
kjk authored
Making changes to clean up UserInterface with methods. Making use of LinkedHashMap due to problems with Iterators. Fixed removeDepartedTrainDepartures.
kjk authored
Changing TrainDeparture to take in LocalTime. Removing updated departure time. Using methods to add delays. Making changes to UI functionality while-looping.
kjk authored
Removing redundant int trainNumber field. Will use only trainNumber in the HashMap. Rewriting code around this change.
kjk authored
Updating time of day will now remove departed trains. It will also not work if the time is earlier in the day. updateTime method was created for this purpose. Field time renamed to currentTime for clarity. User interface updates with breaks and more functional choices. Added method for assigning new track number setTrack in TrainDeparture.
kjk authored
Updating time of day will now remove departed trains. It will also not work if the time is earlier in the day. updateTime method was created for this purpose. Field time renamed to currentTime for clarity.
kjk authored
Updating time of day will now remove departed trains. It will also not work if the time is earlier in the day. updateTime method was created for this purpose. Field time renamed to currentTime for clarity.
- Dec 07, 2023
kjk authored
Added basic menu shown using showMenu. TrainDispatchApp now creates an object of class UserInterface, and runs start.