- they contain important information for assignments
- relevant materials for 1st assignment
** gitpod episodes
** git course
** introduction to gitlab
== Reference Group
- Tommy Chan
- Vivi Cecilie Galschiødt Svendsen
- Johan Ludvig Holst
- Aksel Kirknes
- Aksel Saugestad
- Lars-Olav Vågene
- Trenger 3-5 medlemmer til referansegruppe i faget
- Mulighet til å påvirke kurset og forbedre kurset for de som skal ta det senere år
- 3 møter / Ca. en time per møte
- Meld deg om du er interessert! (email / chat / group registration form)
- If there are not enough volunteers we will randomly select the rest
== Deliverable 1
- each student group has assigned a group (folder) in gitlab gr19xx
- in the folder there is a repository with name gr19xx which will be used for delivering the code
- deadline September 9th, 2019
- group contract has deadline on September 3rd, 2019
[background-color = "#124990"]
@@ -109,15 +91,6 @@ Engineering refers to the practice of organizing the design and construction of
Rogers, G.F.C. (1983)
== Exercise
Engineering refers to the practice of organizing the design and construction of any artifice which transforms the physical world around us to meet some recognized need. Rogers, G.F.C. (1983)
- Discuss with a colleague sitting next to you. Look at Rogers’ definition of engineering. How would you relate elements of that definition to your understanding of software development?
Adapted from _An introduction to software development (Open University)_