Forked from
Surya Bahadur Kathayat / idatt1002
This fork has diverged from the upstream repository.
Harry Linrui XU authoredHarry Linrui XU authored 1.68 KiB
package no.ntnu.idatt1002.demo.controller;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.Optional;
import javafx.scene.control.ButtonType;
* Interface for controllers for scenes with finance tableviews.
* @author Harry Linrui Xu
* @since 29.3.2023
public interface FinanceController {
* Method for handling the adding of new entries in the tableview.
* @param event A button click on the add button.
void handleAddBtn(javafx.event.ActionEvent event);
* Method for handling the editing of a chosen entry in the tableview.
* @param event A button click on the edit button.
void handleEditBtn(javafx.event.ActionEvent event);
* Deletes an entry from the tableview, if an entry has been selected. The method brings up a popup window, asking for confirmation for deleting the entry.
* @param event A button click on the delete button
void handleDeleteBtn(javafx.event.ActionEvent event);
* Method for synching the register with the tableview. The observable list to which the tableview is set, is being refilled with all the entries
* in the register, keeping it updated with new changes.
void refreshTableView();
* Returns an optional, which is a popup alert box, asking for confirmation for deleting an entry.
* @return An alert box, asking for confirmation for deleting the selected entry of the tableview.
Optional<ButtonType> showConfirmationDialog();
* Saves the changes made to the tableview by writing the information to a file.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs while writing to the file.
void saveDataToFile() throws IOException;