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# Oblig 3 - Card Game
Bruk dette prosjektet som utgangspunkt for Oblig 3 i IDATG2003.
I Oppgave 1, der du får oppgitt koden til klassen PlayingCard, gjør som følger:
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**NB!** Du må endre goupID og artifactID i pom-filen til noe du mener passer.
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pom.xml 0 → 100644
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- TODO: Sett din egen groupID og artifactID -->
<!-- TODO: Sett dine dependencies for JavaFX og JUnit5-testing -->
<!-- TODO: Sett riktig versjon av nødvendige plugins -->
package no.ntnu.idatx2003.oblig3.cardgame;
* Represents a playing card. A playing card has a number (face) between
* 1 and 13, where 1 is called an Ace, 11 = Knight, 12 = Queen and 13 = King.
* The card can also be one of 4 suits: Spade, Heart, Diamonds and Clubs.
* @author ntnu
* @version 2021-03-13
public class PlayingCard {
private final char suit; // 'S'=spade, 'H'=heart, 'D'=diamonds, 'C'=clubs
private final int face; // a number between 1 and 13
* Creates an instance of a PlayingCard with a given suit and face.
* The face value is an integer between 1 and 13, where 11 represents the jack,
* 12 represents the queen and 13 represents the king. The Ace is represented by the
* number 1.
* <p>If the suit or face are invalid, an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.</p>
* @param suit The suit of the card, as a single character. 'S' for Spades,
* 'H' for Heart, 'D' for Diamonds and 'C' for clubs
* @param face The face value of the card, an integer between 1 and 13
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if suit or face have invalid values.
public PlayingCard(char suit, int face) {
if (suit != 'H' && suit != 'D' && suit != 'C' && suit != 'S') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter suit must be one of H, D, C or S");
if (face < 1 || face > 13) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter face must be a number between 1 to 13");
this.suit = suit;
this.face = face;
* Returns the suit and face of the card as a string.
* A 4 of hearts is returned as the string "H4".
* @return the suit and face of the card as a string
public String getAsString() {
return String.format("%s%s", suit, face);
* Returns the suit of the card, 'S' for Spades, 'H' for Heart,
* 'D' for Diamonds and 'C' for clubs.
* @return the suit of the card
public char getSuit() {
return suit;
* Returns the face of the card (value between 1 and 13).
* @return the face of the card
public int getFace() {
return face;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
PlayingCard otherCard = (PlayingCard) o;
return getSuit() == otherCard.getSuit() && getFace() == otherCard.getFace();
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 31 * hash + getSuit();
hash = 31 * hash + getFace();
return hash;
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