Set up database
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- Martine Erdal Mansåker added TODO functionality high labels
added TODO functionality high labels
- Martine Erdal Mansåker assigned to @jahafskj
assigned to @jahafskj
- Jan Adrian Manojlovic Hafskjold added in progress label
added in progress label
- Emma Amalie Chun Hui Birkhaug Pedersen removed TODO label
removed TODO label
- Ghost User mentioned in commit a3846392
mentioned in commit a3846392
- Ghost User mentioned in commit 296e36df
mentioned in commit 296e36df
- Emma Amalie Chun Hui Birkhaug Pedersen mentioned in commit 71cab128
mentioned in commit 71cab128
- Alexander Le mentioned in commit 2ef679ff
mentioned in commit 2ef679ff
- Ghost User mentioned in commit 16371097
mentioned in commit 16371097
- Ghost User mentioned in commit bf6de956
mentioned in commit bf6de956
- Ghost User mentioned in commit 1c19aad7
mentioned in commit 1c19aad7
- Ghost User mentioned in commit dce706b8
mentioned in commit dce706b8
- Ghost User mentioned in commit cb93286d
mentioned in commit cb93286d
- Ghost User mentioned in commit 4983e958
mentioned in commit 4983e958
- Jan Adrian Manojlovic Hafskjold mentioned in merge request !17 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !17 (merged)
- Martine Erdal Mansåker removed in progress label
removed in progress label
- Martine Erdal Mansåker added done label
added done label
- Martine Erdal Mansåker closed
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