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Commit 00cce7f9 authored by hermabe's avatar hermabe
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Added handouts for O12

parent d5ccb196
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#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include "utilities.h"
int main() {
auto win = std::make_unique<Fl_Double_Window>(screenWidth, screenHeight, "NASCAR");
// Instansier nye objekt mellom dei to etterfølgjande linjene.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto nextDrawing = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while (win->shown())
// Sov til neste teikning
nextDrawing += std::chrono::microseconds(1'000'000 / 60);
Fl::check(); // Handterar input
Fl::redraw(); // Kallar draw
\ No newline at end of file
#include "utilities.h"
void PhysicsState::slide(double slideAngle){
grip += 0.01 * (1 - grip);
speed -= 0.036 * grip * speed;
angle += 0.12 * grip;
x += speed * cos(slideAngle);
y += speed * sin(slideAngle);
void PhysicsState::update(double translationAcceleration, double angularAcceleration){
// Desse skal vere i intervallet [-1,1]
translationAcceleration = std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, translationAcceleration));
angularAcceleration = std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, angularAcceleration));
grip += 0.01 * (1 - grip);
speed += 0.006 * grip * translationAcceleration * (6 - abs(speed));
if ((speed > 0) != (translationAcceleration > 0)) // Bremsing
speed += 0.03 * grip * translationAcceleration;
angle += 0.03 * grip * angularAcceleration;
x += speed * cos(angle);
y += speed * sin(angle);
double angleBetween(std::pair<double, double> vec1, std::pair<double, double> vec2)
// Returnerer vinkel mellom to vektorar i radianar.
double dot = vec1.first * vec2.first + vec1.second * vec2.second;
double det = vec1.first * vec2.second - vec1.second * vec2.first;
return atan2(det, dot);
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
constexpr int screenWidth = 1000;
constexpr int screenHeight = 600;
constexpr double vehicleRadius = 15;
constexpr double goalRadius = 30;
constexpr double spillRadius = 20;
constexpr double boostRadius = 10;
constexpr double peelRadius = 5;
class PhysicsState{
double x, y, angle, speed = 0, grip = 1;
void update(double translationAcceleration, double angularAcceleration);
void slide(double slideAngle);
double angleBetween(std::pair<double, double> vec1,std::pair<double, double> vec2);
\ No newline at end of file
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