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Code documentation views

Merged Torbjørn Antonsen requested to merge code-documentation-views into master
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@@ -29,18 +29,39 @@ const pages = ref<number>(0);
const currentPage = ref<number>(0);
const transactionsPerPage = 5; // Assuming 5 transactions per page
* Decrements the current page number by one to navigate to the previous page.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const previousPage = () => {
currentPage.value --
* Sets the current page number to the specified page number to navigate directly to that page.
* @param {number} pageNumber - The page number to navigate to.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const goToPage = (pageNumber:number) => {
currentPage.value = pageNumber;
* Increments the current page number by one to navigate to the next page.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const nextPage = () =>{
currentPage.value ++;
const transactions = ref<Transaction[]>([])
* Asynchronously fetches user transactions and updates the `transactions` reactive value.
* Logs the fetched transactions to the console.
* Displays an error toast if fetching transactions fails.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves after transactions are fetched and updated.
const fetchTransactions = async() => {
const response = await getTransactions(token)
@@ -51,6 +72,12 @@ const fetchTransactions = async() => {
toast.error('Vi klarte ikke hente dine transaksjoner! Venligst prøv på nytt.')
* Lifecycle hook that runs when the component is mounted.
* Fetches transactions and handles selection change after the component is mounted.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves after transactions are fetched and selection change is handled.
onMounted(async () => {
await fetchTransactions();
@@ -58,29 +85,58 @@ onMounted(async () => {
const displayType = ref<boolean>(false)
* Sets the display type to show new challenges and logs the updated value to the console.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const displayNewChallenges = () => {
displayType.value = false;
* Sets the display type to show active challenges and logs the updated value to the console.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const displayActiveChallenges = () => {
displayType.value = true;
* Opens the help pop-up by setting its display state to true.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const openHelpPopUp = () => {
displayHelpPopUp.value = true;
* Closes the help pop-up by setting its display state to false and logs the updated value to the console.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const closeHelpPopUp = () => {
displayHelpPopUp.value = false;
* Handles the selection change event by updating the selected option, resetting the current page to 0,
* and calculating the number of pages.
* @param {string | null} value - The value of the selected option.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const handleSelectionChange = (value: string | null) => {
selectedOption.value = value;
currentPage.value = 0;
* Computed property that returns an array of distinct transaction categories based on the transactions list.
* Uses a Set to collect unique transaction categories from the `transactions` list.
* @returns {string[]} An array containing distinct transaction categories.
const distinctCategories = computed(() => {
const categories = new Set<string>()
transactions.value.forEach(transaction => {
@@ -91,10 +147,21 @@ const distinctCategories = computed(() => {
return Array.from(categories)
* Computed property that returns dropdown options for filtering transactions by category.
* Includes 'Alle' (All) option followed by distinct transaction categories.
* @returns {string[]} An array of dropdown options for transaction category filtering.
const dropdownOptions = computed(() => {
return ['Alle', ...distinctCategories.value]
* Computed property that returns filtered transactions based on the selected option (category).
* Filters transactions by category matching the `selectedOption` value.
* If 'Alle' (All) or no option is selected, returns all transactions.
* @returns {Transaction[]} An array of filtered transactions based on the selected category option.
const filteredTransactions = computed(() => {
if (selectedOption.value === 'Alle' || !selectedOption.value) {
return transactions.value
@@ -103,14 +170,29 @@ const filteredTransactions = computed(() => {
* Computed property that returns a slice of filtered transactions to display on the current page.
* Retrieves a subset of transactions based on the current page and number of transactions per page.
* @returns {Transaction[]} An array of transactions to display on the current page.
const transactionsToDisplay = computed(() => {
return filteredTransactions.value.slice(currentPage.value * transactionsPerPage, (currentPage.value * transactionsPerPage) + transactionsPerPage);
* Calculates the number of pages based on the filtered transactions and updates the `pages` reactive value.
* Sets the `pages` value to the ceiling of the total number of filtered transactions divided by transactions per page.
* @returns {void} This function does not return a value.
const calculateNumberOfPages = () => {
pages.value = Math.ceil(filteredTransactions.value.length / transactionsPerPage);
* Computed property that generates chart data based on transaction categories and amounts.
* Constructs data for a chart with labels (categories) and corresponding dataset (amounts).
* @returns {ChartData} Chart data object containing labels and datasets for visualization.
const chartData = computed(() => {
const data: { labels: string[], datasets: { data: number[], label:string ,backgroundColor: string[] }[] } = {
labels: [],
@@ -149,7 +231,11 @@ const chartData = computed(() => {
return data;
// Function to generate random color
* Generates a random color by selecting a CSS custom property (variable) value from the document's root element.
* Randomly selects from a predefined list of color variables and retrieves the corresponding color value.
* @returns {string} A randomly generated color in CSS format (e.g., hex, rgba, etc.).
const getRandomColor = () => {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
@@ -180,15 +266,15 @@ const getRandomColor = () => {
<div class="header">
<h2 class="title">Dine transaksjoner!</h2>
<div v-if="displayHelpPopUp" class="popup-container">
@@ -214,13 +300,13 @@ const getRandomColor = () => {
<div class="component-container" v-if="filteredTransactions">
v-for="transaction in transactionsToDisplay"
v-for="transaction in transactionsToDisplay"
@@ -228,10 +314,10 @@ const getRandomColor = () => {
<button @click="previousPage" :disabled="currentPage === 0">Forige side</button>
<div v-if="pages>1" class="page-numbers">
v-for="pageNumber in pages"
:class="{ chosen: pageNumber-1 === currentPage }"
v-for="pageNumber in pages"
:class="{ chosen: pageNumber-1 === currentPage }"
>{{ pageNumber}}</button>
<button @click="nextPage" :disabled="currentPage === pages - 1 || pages === 0">Neste side</button>