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  • 11-write-tests-for-all-classes
  • Development default
  • add-lambda-and-streams
  • creating_add_affine_window
  • draw-fractal-in-window
  • edit-gitlab.yaml-to-fix-pipeline
  • edit-pom.xml-for-pipeline-success
  • main
  • zoom-to-mouse-pos
  • V4.0
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  • V3.3
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  • V1.1
  • V1.0
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021May20191513542128Apr26252423201918171615131211521Mar20191812119876432128Feb2723222120151321Final commitDevelopmentDevelopmentRemoved a commentMerge branch 'fix-checkstyle' into 'Development'Fixed all checkstyle errorsMerge branch 'last-tweaks' into 'Development'Made sierpinksi to the configAdded another superclass for the transformviews to inheritAdded a single javadoc and optimized som importsChanged the text on a button to make it more apparent what it doessmall fix in makeFractalcommitSmall fix in persitenceMerged scroll branch and fixed small issue in persitenceMerge branch 'zoom-to-mouse-pos' of into DevelopmentMerge branch 'add-lambda-and-streams' into 'Development'Made a loop to a stream with lambdasadd-lambda-and-…add-lambda-and-streamsMerge branch 'add-logger' into 'Development'Added a loggerAdded resourves/config direcotryMerge branch 'add-unit-test-to-all-classes' into 'Development'Added all needed testsAdded unit test to factory classFixed pom.xml config for mvn javafx:runMerge branch 'javadoc-and-checkstyle' into 'Development'Javadioc and checkstyle the rest of the filesJavadioc and checkstyle juliatransformviewsJavadoc and checkstyled savefileviewsJavadoc and checkstyled affinetransformviewsRefactored the main app classJavadocs and checkstyle fixed for models packageChecksyle and javadic for ChaosGameDescription and factoryChecksyle and javadic for ChaosGameJavadoc and checkstyled the controller classJavadoced and checkstyled filehandler classRemoved IDE specific files and made a small fix to show steps amount when file is opened and there exists a configMerge branch 'add-persitence-functionality' into 'Development'V4.0 11-write-t…V4.0 11-write-tests-for-all-classesAdded functionality for loading the app config from the previous time it was openAdded config saveSmall fix to minimize amount of method callsMerge branch 'implement-depth.view' into 'Development'