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import os
from datetime import datetime
from server.data_processing.process_lidar_data import calculate_area_data, about_laz_file, find_folder_files
# input_new_Lidar_data send new data gathered from the lidar and send it to the database (from the drone, most likely)
def input_new_Lidar_data(self, cursor, sensorId, bodyOfWater):
Hoa Ben The Nguyen's avatar
Hoa Ben The Nguyen committed
    send the sensors data of the bodyOfWater to database and update the jsonfile for specific body of water
Hoa Ben The Nguyen's avatar
Hoa Ben The Nguyen committed
    :param self (BaseHTTPRequestHandler): A instance of a BaseHTTPRequestHandler
    :param cursor (cursor): An Sqlite3 cursor object that points to the database
    :param sensorId: Id of the sensor used to measure the data
    :param bodyOfWater (str): The name of the requested file/lake
        # print("name=",bodyOfWater)
        # laz_root_path = "server\\lidar_data\\" + bodyOfWater
        # laz_data_paths = find_folder_files(laz_root_path)

        # read json data with path to data for specific water body
        file_path = "server/map_handler/lake_relations/" + bodyOfWater + "_lidar_data.json"
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            with open(file_path) as data:
                measurement_data = json.load(data)

            if len(measurement_data) < 1:
                print("no coordinates found")
                self.send_response(404)  # Sending 404 Not Found response
                # Stop the server

            lidar_json_data = []
            subdiv_json_data = []

            for measurement in measurement_data:

                measurement_id = measurement["MeasurementID"]

                latitude = measurement["CenterLat"]
                longitude = measurement["CenterLon"]

                laz_file_path = "server\\lidar_data\\" + bodyOfWater + "\\measurement_id_" + str(
                    measurement_id) + ".laz"

                # data about the file read from
                # about_laz = about_laz_file() cannot do this if data is changed
                # scale_factor = max(about_laz[2])
                scale_factor = max([0.01])
                time_now =

                # create a new measurement with the time the data is sent, sensor type, where
                # and an estimate of average thickness of ice on water body
                    INSERT INTO Measurement(MeasurementID, SensorID, TimeMeasured, WaterBodyName, CenterLat, CenterLon) VALUES 
                ''', (measurement_id, sensorId, time_now, bodyOfWater, latitude, longitude))

                # calculate the area of to be calculated based on the coordinates given to the calculation model
                areas_data = calculate_area_data((latitude, longitude), bodyOfWater, laz_file_path)

                if (areas_data):
                    # store lidar data in jason formate
                    # calculate data for each zone within the area
                    for area in areas_data:
                        # lng and lat relative to map
                        subId = int(area[0])
                        map_lat, map_lng = area[1]
                        heights = area[2]

                        if (len(heights) != 0 or sum(heights) != 0):
                            average = sum(heights) / len(heights)
                            minimum_thickness = min(heights)
                            average = 0
                            minimum_thickness = 0

                        # input the data into the database
                        INSERT INTO SubdivisionMeasurementData(MeasurementID, TimeMeasured, SubdivID, WaterBodyName, MinimumThickness, AverageThickness, CalculatedSafety, Accuracy) VALUES
                        ''', (measurement_id, time_now, subId, bodyOfWater, float(minimum_thickness), float(average),
                              float(0.0), scale_factor))
                        sub_center = (map_lat, map_lng)
                        # set up json formate
                        lidar_read = {
                            'SubdivID': subId,
                            'MinThickness': float(minimum_thickness),
                            'AvgThickness': float(average),
                            'CenLatitude': float(sub_center[0]),
                            'CenLongitude': float(sub_center[1]),
                            'Accuracy': scale_factor,

                    print('No data found, line 79')

                measurement_data = {
                    'MeasurementID': measurement_id,
                    'TimeMeasured': str(time_now),
                    'CenterLat': latitude,
                    'CenterLon': longitude,
                    'Sensor': {
                        'SensorId': 2,
                        'SensorType': "LiDar",
                        "Active": True,
                    'Subdivisions': subdiv_json_data,
            # send the changes to the database
            # Send response
            self.send_header('Content-type', "application/json")
            content = None
            current_directory = os.getcwd()
            print("Current working directory:", current_directory)
            if len(lidar_json_data) > 0:
                if os.path.exists(file_path):

                # convert list of lidar data to json
                content = json.dumps(lidar_json_data, indent=4)
                with open(file_path, "w") as file:
                print('No data found, line 101')
                content = json.dumps([])
Hoa Ben The Nguyen's avatar
Hoa Ben The Nguyen committed
            # Just temporary, not gonna use:
            with open(file_path, "w") as file:
                    "[{\"MeasurementID\": 1,\"TimeMeasured\": \"2024-04-15 16:23:28.620516\",\"CenterLat\": 60.841532,\"CenterLon\": 10.717878,\"Sensor\": {\"SensorID\": 2,\"SensorType\": \"LiDar\",\"Active\": true},\"Subdivisions\": []},{\"MeasurementID\": 2,\"TimeMeasured\": \"2024-04-15 16:23:28.620516\",\"CenterLat\": 60.841532,\"CenterLon\": 10.717878,\"Sensor\": {\"SensorID\": 2,\"SensorType\": \"LiDar\",\"Active\": true},\"Subdivisions\": []}]")  # Writing an empty JSON object

            print("file does not exist", file_path)
            # Send response
            self.send_header('Content-type', "application/json")
            content = None
        # Write content data to response object

# laz_root_path = "server\\lidar_data\\mj\u00f8sa"
# laz_data_paths = find_folder_files(laz_root_path)
# print(laz_data_paths)