feat(main...AddUnitsController): Functionality to add specific units.
What are the key features of this change
- Implemented class for wrapping an instantiation of Army to be able to use new references for updating data in the application view.
- Creating AddUnitsController to handle a new stage with possibilities to add specific units to given army.
- Implemented class ArmySelect to tell the model which army was selected when adding units to a specific army.
- New view for the stage handling adding units to army.
- Updating exception messages.
- Updated the armies list listeners to be functional.
Size of change: Large
List changes with class/type-of-changes
- WarGamesController/perf
- WarGamesModel/refactor
- WarGamesApp/feat
- ArmySelect/feat
- ArmyWrapper/feat
- AddUnitsController/feat
- View/feat:view_add_units.fxml
Javadoc -
Tests -
Build tool test passed