Hosts the application on http://localhost:9090 with default settings
You might have to run Docker with administrator privileges to get it to run properly:
#### Windows:
Either open the terminal as administrator (Windows key -> Search "cmd" -> "Run as administrator")
$ runas /user/Administrator "docker-compose up --build"
#### Unix/OSX:
$ sudo docker-compose up --build
## Technology
-**deployment** Docker
@@ -172,4 +184,4 @@ Continuous integration will build the code pushed to master and push it to your
`heroku run python backend/secfit/ migrate -a <heroku-app-name>`. `Heroku run` will run the folowing command on your heroku instance. Remember to replace `<heroku-app-name>` with your backend app name
* and create an admin account for the backend by running
`heroku run python backend/secfit/ createsuperuser -a <heroku-app-name>`.
* seed database `heroku run python backend/secfit/ loaddata backend/secfit/seed.json -a <heroku-app-name>`
\ No newline at end of file
* seed database `heroku run python backend/secfit/ loaddata backend/secfit/seed.json -a <heroku-app-name>`