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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • develop
  • magnus_feature_add-courses-users
  • magnus_feature_add-testing
  • magnus_feature_content-services-POST-operations
  • magnus_feature_views
  • main default
  • mattias_feature_assignment
  • mattias_feature_setup-project-shell
  • matwil_feature_tree
  • william_feature_autlogin
  • william_feature_fixgetcontent
  • william_feature_getassignments
  • william_feature_getcontent
13 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020May151411330Apr29282725201816151413121110987654131Mar3029282724231787424Feb23181625Jandeleted some unnecessary readme filesmainmainupdated contributing.mdupdated README.mdMerge branch 'main' of into mainUpdated README.mdUpdate README.mdMerge branch 'main' of into mainFixed version generatingUpdate, bbcli/, bbcli/__version__.pyupdated installation guide in readmeMerge branch 'develop' into mainincremented versionremoved magic dependecy and used pythons mimetypes librarydevelopdevelopbugfixfixed tests and use pytest instead of nosetestscreated new versionwilliam_feature…william_feature_getcontentMerge branch 'develop' into mainfixed course link bugMerge branch 'develop' into mainRefactored some code and cleaned up. Added typing to all modules except assignments because we are going to rework it maybe. Fixed testsUpdate README.mdremoved shell completion feature for now, it is too unstableMerge branch 'magnus_feature_add_markdown_support' into developAdded marke down support and default and advanced updatingMerge branch 'william_feature_getcontent' into 'main'Merge branch 'main' into william_feature_getcontentspecify path to get contentUpdate README.mdgeneralised all output and responses to user. Added json output optionsadded courses usersmagnus_feature_…magnus_feature_add-courses-usersMerge branch 'william_feature_getcontent' into 'main'removed unused stuff and deleted unused filechanged structure on assignments and attempts commandsadded the last tests so all main service methods are coveredchanged versoinmagnus_feature_…magnus_feature_add-testingMerge branch 'magnus_feature_add-testing' into mainMerge branch 'main' of into mainadded so it only deploys on pushes to mastertesttest