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FR1 - View statistics page
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to view statistics and results of their workouts for a given period of time.
FR2 - View statistics of previously completed exercises
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to view the total number of repetitions and durations of exercises found in completed workouts
FR3 - View saved workout templates
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
Saved templates shall be presented to the user.
FR4 - Selection of templates
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
A workout shall be created with the parameters of a selected template, with correct parameters.
FR5 - Create template
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to create a workout template with predefined exercises.
FR6 - Delete template
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to delete a workout template from the templates menu.
FR7 - Plan future workouts
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to plan future workouts using templates in a calendar.
FR8 - View previous workouts in calender
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to view previous workouts in the calendar.
NFR1 - Loading time of statistics page
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The statistics page shall not have a loading time exceeding 5 seconds.
NFR10 - Overview of previous workout
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to get an overview of completed workout in the current time period, in less than 1 minute.
NFR11 - Loading time of previous workouts in calendar
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The system shall not load the previous workouts into the calendar slower than 10 seconds.
NFR12 - Loading time of planned templates in calendar
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The system shall not load planned workouts slower than 10 seconds.
NFR2 - Effect on load times of adding an exercise
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The load time of the statistics page shall not be affected by adding an additional exercise.
NFR3 - Intuitive and easy use of statistics page
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to understand workout progression from the statistics page within 1 minute.
NFR4 - Overview of completed exercises
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to get an overview of all the completed exercises in less than 1 minute.
NFR5 - Creation of templates
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to understand how to create templates within 2 minutes. Templates shall be easy to create.
NFR6 - Deletion of templates
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to understand how to delete templates within 1 minute. Templates shall be easy to delete.
NFR7 - Loading time of templates
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The templates shall not load slower than 5 seconds in the templates menu and when creating a workout.
NFR8 - Creation time of templates
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The system shall not require more than 5 seconds to create new templates.
NFR9 - Planning a workout in the calendar
Kristian In'T Veld / TDT4242 SecFit
The user shall be able to understand how to plan a workout in the calendar in less than 1 minute.