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# frontend
# BoCo - Frontend
<img src="public/favicon.ico" height="100" title="hover text">
## Table of contents
1. [Installation](#project-setup)
1. [Running the project](#running-the-project)
1. [Running tests](#running-tests)
## Project setup
To run the frontend node.js is required.
- Installation links
- [node.js](
Install required dependencies by running
npm install
### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
The frontend cannot run by itself and requires a backend service. The URL to this backend service needs to be provided in the environmental variables. This can be done in these steps
### Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
- Create a file with the name ``.env`` in the root folder
- If the backend service uses the default configuration insert this into the file
### Run your unit tests
npm run test:unit
### Lints and fixes files
## Running the project
- To compile and run with hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
- To compile and minify project for prodoction
npm run build
## Running tests
To run the tests run the command:
npm run lint
npm run test:unit
This will run all the tests and provide a coverage report. Due to a bug with jest and vue there are tests and files missing in the coverage report. This is due to jest skipping files with ``ES6`` import.
### Customize configuration
See [Configuration Reference](