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Commit 040f12fe authored by hudaal's avatar hudaal
Browse files

Sort the search

parent 022f96c3
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1 merge request!3More cypress testing
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const checkTypeToChangePage = (page: number, searchValue:string, filterType: str
query = '{tag(tag:"' + filterType + '") {articleConnection {article (limit: 4, page: '+page+') {authorConnection {author{firstName lastName}} commentConnection{text} id text title timestamp}}}}';
query = '{article(limit: 4, page: '+page+'){authorConnection {author{firstName lastName}} commentConnection{text} id text title timestamp}}';
query = '{article(title: "'+ searchValue +'", limit: 4, page: '+page+'){authorConnection {author{firstName lastName}} commentConnection{text} id text title timestamp}}';
return query
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ const searchReducer = (state:'', action: Action) => {
case "Sort":
page = 0;
sort = true;
query = '{article(alphabetically: true, limit: 4, page: '+page+') {authorConnection {author{firstName lastName}} commentConnection{text} id text title timestamp}}';
query = '{article(title: "'+ searchValue +'", alphabetically: true, limit: 4, page: '+page+') {authorConnection {author{firstName lastName}} commentConnection{text} id text title timestamp}}';
return {query: query, page: page};
case "AddPage":
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