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Commit 1f70411f authored by Robin Ruud Kristensen's avatar Robin Ruud Kristensen
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parents e8c1d0cf d53a19b8
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with 253 additions and 67 deletions
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
public override ulong Id => 201;
public override string Name => "Dodge";
public override string Description => "A basic dodge move.";
public override string IconName => "item/foureyes";
public AbilityDodge() {
StaminaCost = 10;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
namespace BigSock {
An object representing an ability held by a player.
public class AbilityEntity {
// The ability held in this slot.
public IAbility Ability { get; }
// The index of the ability
public int Index { get; }
// The time this ability started charging.
public float ChargeStarted { get; set; }
// The keys bound to this ability.
public List<KeyCode> Keys { get; }
// Indicates whether or not the ability is charging.
public bool IsCharging => ChargeStarted > 0;
// The time this ability has been charging.
public float ChargeTime => Time.time - ChargeStarted;
// The percent of maximum time the ability has charged for.
public float ChargePercent => (Ability.FireType == FireType.Charge && IsCharging)
? Math.Clamp(ChargeTime / Ability.MaxCharge, 0, 1)
: 0;
// How far into the cooldown the attack is.
public float CooldownPercent
=> (float) Math.Clamp((DateTime.Now - Ability.NextTimeCanUse + Ability.Cooldown) / Ability.Cooldown, 0, 1);
public AbilityEntity(IAbility ability, int index, List<KeyCode> keys = null) {
if(ability == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ability));
Ability = ability;
Index = index;
Keys = keys ?? new List<KeyCode>();
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: bbd84b83cc8d3c6469bd9ac57d8ae37c
folderAsset: yes
guid: b5734a7700fbf65438b9e4f94e46e5ce
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using BigSock.Service;
namespace BigSock {
......@@ -33,6 +35,19 @@ namespace BigSock {
public abstract ulong Id { get; }
The icon of the ability.
public Sprite Icon => SpriteService.SINGLETON.Get(IconName);
The name of the icon this ability uses.
Override this to change what icon the item uses.
public virtual string IconName { get; } = "item/runningshoes";
The next time the ability has cooled down.
......@@ -98,7 +113,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
if(par.ChargeTime < MinCharge) return false;
// Calculate how much optional charging we did.
par.ChargeTimePercent = Math.Clamp(par.ChargeTime - MinCharge / MaxCharge - MinCharge, 0f, 1f);
par.ChargeTimePercent = Math.Clamp((par.ChargeTime - MinCharge) / (MaxCharge - MinCharge), 0f, 1f);
// Check that the ability is cooled down.
......@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ namespace BigSock {
ulong Id { get; }
The icon of the ability.
Sprite Icon { get; }
The next time the ability has cooled down.
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
public override ulong Id => 101;
public override string Name => "Basic Player Projectile Attack";
public override string Description => "A basic projectile shooting attack the player has.";
public override string IconName => "item/coffee";
public BasicProjectile1() {
AttackStats = new AttackStats{
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
public override ulong Id => 104;
public override string Name => "Chargeable Player Attack";
public override string Description => "A basic projectile shooting attack the player has.";
public override string IconName => "item/elixirofspeed";
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
public override ulong Id => 102;
public override string Name => "Big Ball";
public override string Description => "It's big and slow, but it packs a punch.";
public override string IconName => "item/premature";
public BiggerSlowerProjectile() {
AttackStats = new AttackStats{
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
public const int SKILL_POINTS_START = 0; // Skill points to start with.
public const float XP_SCALE_RATE = 3.0f; // Multiplier for xp gain, helps test system while game is tiny.
public const int ABILITY_COUNT = 4; // Number of abilities.
public UtilBar utilBar;
......@@ -37,13 +38,25 @@ namespace BigSock {
bool canMove = true;
// The UI component for displaying abilities.
private AbilityCluster AbilityUI;
// The abilities of the player.
private List<AbilityEntity> _abilities = new List<AbilityEntity>();
protected IAttack _testAttack;
protected IAttack _testAttack2;
protected IAttack _testAttack3;
protected IAbility _dodge;
// A list of the keycodes that correspond to each of the player's abilities.
private List<List<KeyCode>> _keyMapping = new List<List<KeyCode>> {
new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.Space, KeyCode.Mouse0},
new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.Z},
new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.C},
new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.LeftShift},
//protected IAttack _testAttack;
//protected IAttack _testAttack2;
//protected IAttack _testAttack3;
//protected IAbility _dodge;
public DateTime NextTimeCanAttack { get; private set; } = DateTime.Now;
......@@ -56,6 +69,24 @@ namespace BigSock {
Updates the list of the user's abilities.
protected void SetAbilities(List<IAbility> neo) {
var res = new List<AbilityEntity>();
for(int i = 0; i < neo.Count; ++i)
res.Add(new AbilityEntity(neo[i], i, _keyMapping[i]));
_abilities = res;
// Update the UI to reflect the new abilities.
foreach (var ability in _abilities) {
AbilityUI.SetAbility(ability.Index, ability);
// Start is called before the first frame update
protected override void Start()
......@@ -69,6 +100,7 @@ namespace BigSock {
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
AbilityUI = GameObject.Find("AbilityCluster")?.GetComponent<AbilityCluster>();
//!! DEBUG: Add item to player at start to test if it works.
......@@ -81,10 +113,20 @@ namespace BigSock {
//var tmp = PrefabService.SINGLETON;
//var tmp = SpriteService.SINGLETON;
_testAttack = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(104);
_testAttack2 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(102);
_testAttack3 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(101);
_dodge = AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(201);
// Get the abilities and set them up.
var aService = AbilityService.SINGLETON;
var abilities = new List<IAbility> {
//_testAttack = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(104);
//_testAttack2 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(102);
//_testAttack3 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(101);
//_dodge = AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(201);
_ = AudioService.SINGLETON;
_ = SpriteService.SINGLETON;
......@@ -131,44 +173,72 @@ namespace BigSock {
// Dictionary that holds start times for charging abilities.
Dictionary<KeyCode, float> chargeStarts = new Dictionary<KeyCode, float>();
//Dictionary<KeyCode, float> chargeStarts = new Dictionary<KeyCode, float>();
Triggers an ability if it should be.
Need to add support for mouse buttons n shiet
private void CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode key, IAbility ability) {
private void CheckAbilityInput(AbilityEntity ability) {
var par = GetAbilityParam(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));
switch(ability.FireType) {
// Check input on each key, stop if one was a success.
foreach(var key in ability.Keys)
if(CheckAbilityInput(key, ability)) break;
// Update the UI.
AbilityUI?.SetCharge(ability.Index, ability.ChargePercent);
AbilityUI?.SetCooldown(ability.Index, 1f - ability.CooldownPercent);
private bool CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode key, AbilityEntity ability) {
var par = GetAbilityParam(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));
switch (ability.Ability.FireType) {
// Standard: Press to fire.
case FireType.Standard:
if(Input.GetKeyDown(key)) ability.Use(par);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) {
return true;
// FullAuto: Keep firing while key is down.
case FireType.FullAuto:
if(Input.GetKey(key)) ability.Use(par);
if (Input.GetKey(key)) {
return true;
// Charge: Fire when let go.
case FireType.Charge:
// If pressed down: Store start time.
if(Input.GetKeyDown(key)) chargeStarts[key] = Time.time;
if(Input.GetKeyDown(key)) {
// Only start charging if the ability is ready.
if(ability.Ability.Ready) ability.ChargeStarted = Time.time;
return true;
// If let go: Activate
else if(Input.GetKeyUp(key)) {
par.ChargeTime = Time.time - chargeStarts[key];
var t = ability.Use(par);
if(!t) {
if(par.ChargeTime < ability.MinCharge)
Debug.Log($"[PlayerController.CheckAbilityInput({key})] {ability.Name} not fired ({par.ChargeTime:N3} < {ability.MinCharge:N3})");
if(ability.IsCharging) {
par.ChargeTime = ability.ChargeTime;
var t = ability.Ability.Use(par);
if (!t) {
if (par.ChargeTime < ability.Ability.MinCharge)
Debug.Log($"[PlayerController.CheckAbilityInput({key})] {ability.Ability.Name} not fired ({par.ChargeTime:N3} < {ability.Ability.MinCharge:N3})");
ability.ChargeStarted = 0f; // Reset charge time when we release the key.
return true;
return false;
private void Update()
// Regenerate mana & stamina.
......@@ -187,14 +257,18 @@ namespace BigSock {
// _testAttack.Use(par);
// Check and update all abilities.
foreach(var ability in _abilities) {
// Check ability 1.
CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Space, _testAttack);
CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Mouse0, _testAttack);
//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Space, _testAttack);
//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Mouse0, _testAttack);
// Check ability 2.
CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Z, _testAttack2);
//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Z, _testAttack2);
// Check ability 3.
CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.LeftShift, _dodge);
CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.C, _testAttack3);
//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.LeftShift, _dodge);
//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.C, _testAttack3);
//if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) Debug.Log($"[PlayerController.Update()] Z was pressed.");
......@@ -246,6 +320,15 @@ namespace BigSock {
var controlScheme = PrefabService.SINGLETON.Instance("UI/ControlScheme", canvas.transform);
/* for testing ui
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
GameObject abil = GameObject.Find("AbilityCluster");
var abilScript = abil.GetComponent<AbilityCluster>();
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ namespace BigSock.Service {
if(file.Contains(".meta")) continue;
var name = _sanitize(file.Replace(".wav", "").Replace(".mp3", "").Replace("Assets\\Resources\\sound\\", ""));
AudioClip go = Resources.Load<AudioClip>( file.Replace("Assets\\Resources\\", "").Replace(".wav", "").Replace(".mp3", "") );
Debug.Log($"[AudioService._loadItems()] {name}");
if(go == null) Debug.Log($"[AudioService._loadItems()] ITEM IS NULL!!! {name}");
//Debug.Log($"[AudioService._loadItems()] {name}");
//if(go == null) Debug.Log($"[AudioService._loadItems()] ITEM IS NULL!!! {name}");
dict[name] = go;
......@@ -12,23 +12,38 @@ namespace BigSock.UI
private List<AbilityElement> abilityList;
public void SetElements(int elementAmount)
abilityList = new List<AbilityElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < elementAmount; ++i)
abilityList.Add(PrefabService.SINGLETON.Instance(ABILITYELEMENT, transform).GetComponent<AbilityElement>());
public void SetCooldown(int index, float amount)
//Clears all elements in ability cluster.
public void ResetElements()
var layout = this.GetComponent<HorizontalLayoutGroup>();
for (int i = 0; i < layout.transform.childCount; i++)
public void SetCooldown(int index, float amount)
public void SetCharge(int index, float amount)
public void SetAbility(int index, AbilityEntity ability) {
......@@ -6,39 +6,48 @@ using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace BigSock.UI
public class AbilityElement : MonoBehaviour
private Slider chargeSlider, cooldownSlider;
public class AbilityElement : MonoBehaviour
private Slider chargeSlider, cooldownSlider;
private Image _sprite;
public AbilityElement WithCharge(float? value = null, float? maxValue = null)
if (value != null) chargeSlider.value = value.Value;
public AbilityElement WithCharge(float? value = null, float? maxValue = null)
if (value != null) chargeSlider.value = value.Value;
if (maxValue != null) chargeSlider.maxValue = maxValue.Value;
return this;
if (maxValue != null) chargeSlider.maxValue = maxValue.Value;
return this;
public AbilityElement WithCooldown(float? value = null, float? maxValue = null)
if (value != null) cooldownSlider.value = value.Value;
public AbilityElement WithCooldown(float? value = null, float? maxValue = null)
if (value != null) cooldownSlider.value = value.Value;
if (maxValue != null) cooldownSlider.maxValue = maxValue.Value;
return this;
if (maxValue != null) cooldownSlider.maxValue = maxValue.Value;
return this;
public AbilityElement WithAbility(AbilityEntity ability) {
_sprite ??= transform.Find("Sprite").GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
chargeSlider = transform.Find("ChargeSlider").GetComponent<Slider>();
cooldownSlider = transform.Find("ReloadSlider").GetComponent<Slider>();
if (_sprite != null)
_sprite.overrideSprite = ability.Ability.Icon ?? _sprite.overrideSprite;
return this;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() {
chargeSlider = transform.Find("ChargeSlider").GetComponent<Slider>();
cooldownSlider = transform.Find("ReloadSlider").GetComponent<Slider>();
_sprite ??= transform.Find("Sprite").GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Image>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
fileFormatVersion: 2
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folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GameObject:
- component: {fileID: 532417261}
m_Layer: 11
m_Name: ClosedChest
m_TagString: Untagged
m_TagString: Chest
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
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