General Information
No internet connection is required to run this application after it has been downloaded.
Get started
The first time the application is started you will be shown the main window. As no tasks are added yet the overview will be empty.
At the bottom you find buttons: Priority, Category, Due Date, Finished and Add Task. Select Add task to add your first task as shown below.

After pressing the Add Task Button you will be shown a window where you enter name of the task, select due date, enter category, select priority and add description. Once you entered information in all boxes, press confirm to add the task to the register. Note that description is not required if not wanted.
If some fields are incorrectly filled you will get an alert telling you some information is missing, as shown below. Close the alert, correct the input and press confirm to add the task to the register.
You can now see the task added in the main view. By selecting Priority/Category/DueDate/Finished-button you will be shown all the tasks sorted by priority/category/due-date/finish-status.

At the end of the row showing the task, you have a check mark. By pressing this button you set the task as finished, and it will disappear from the first three filters and show up in the finished-tab.

If you didn't mean to complete it yet, you can go into the finished-tab and press undo next to the task that is still unfinished and it will be moved back to where you found it before you pressed complete.

If you want to edit a task, just double click the task you want to edit in the main view (either tab) and it will open up the editor-window. Here you see all information you added to the task when you created it. If you want to change anything just do so here and press confirm to update the task and close the edit window.
In the edit you can also select complete task if you want to set status to finished, or if you want to completely remove the task from the application, you can select Delete task. If you do so a window will ask if you are sure you want to delete the task. Press ok if you want to delete it, cancel if not.
If you have trouble using this app, just go to top right corner where you can find a help menu. Here you find the link to the application wiki which will hopefully help with any issue you might encounter.