- Velkommen til IT1901 Informatikk prosjektarbeid 1
- Welcome to IT1901 Informatics, Project 1
Høst 2019 / Fall 2019
== Agenda
- Om IT1901 Informatikk prosjektarbeid 1
- Smidig utvikling - Utviklingsmetoden Scrum
- Oppsummering
== Viktigheten av IT-systemer
“Software defines, drives, and enables innovation in the systems we use in essentially all areas of modern human activity, including science, engineering, business, government, entertainment, education, energy, defense, health and medicine. As reliance on software grows, society makes exponentially greater demands on the diversity and quality of the software being produced”
Call for position papers, Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering Research, International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2010
== Introduksjon til IT1901
@@ -21,8 +41,90 @@ Smidig og moderne praksis og konstruksjon
** mobil
** web
== IT1901 Goals
- improve practical software development skills and prepare a solid base of current best practices
** working with various architectures
** source code management
** issue tracking
** using build tools
** automatic testing
** continuous integration
** documentation
** code quality
== Group work
- there are 3 group deliverables and one individual deliverable
- students will work in groups of 4
- fill in the form that will be announced shortly on Blackboard to be assigned to a group