## Step 1 - Required installation
Be sure to have an IDE, JDK 17
It is crucial to download an **IDE** to run the application.
An example for IDE is IntelliJ:
[IntelliJ Download](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/installation-guide.html)
The application is developed with **JDK 17**. If you have JDK16 or lower, it is needed to download JDK17
Link to JDK17 download:
[JDK 17 Download](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk17-archive-downloads.html)
## Step 2 - Download the application
The application can be downloaded with Git or by downloading the zip file
### Opt 1 - Download project through clone from git:
1. Download Git if you do not have Git: [Download Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
2. Go to the project in GitLab: [G1-06 GitLab](https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/G1-06/idatt-1002-2022-1-06)
3. Open terminal locate the folder that will hold the project
4. Copy this text:
git clone https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/G1-06/idatt-1002-2022-1-06.git
<br>and paste it inside the terminal and press enter
The project can now run from the chosen folder
### Opt 2 - Download project as zip
1. Go to the project in GitLab: [G1-06 GitLab](https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/G1-06/idatt-1002-2022-1-06)
2. Make sure you are on the front page
3. Press "Download"
4. Press "zip"

# Run Application:
# Option 1:
## Step 3 - Open the project folder
1. Select either HandballApplicationMac or HanballApplicationWin depending on your operating system.

## Step 4 - Run Jar file
1. Run the application by double clicking the Jar file.

## Step 5 - Select saved data
1. Navigate to the same folder and choose the savedTournament file to import saved data.

# Option 2:
## Step 3 - Open the project in an IDE
The project runs through an IDE. This example is opened in IntelliJ
1. Open IntelliJ and press "Open": arrow 1 on the illustration beneath

2. Find the folder where the project is located and open the folder called "idatt-1002-2022-1-06" and press "Open": illustrated beneath

## Step 4 - Add configuration
To run the application, a configuration is needed
1. Click on "Add configuration" at the top of the window: arrow 1 on the illustration beneath

2. Click on "Add new...": arrow 2 on the illustration beneath

3. Run Configuration window<br>
3. In the run command field, type:
clean javafx:run
4. Click "Apply"<br>
5. Click "Ok"<br>

The window will change to the first page presented when intelliJ opens a project. At the "Add configuration" this should be shown:

## Step 5 - Select saved data
1. Navigate to either HandballApplicationMac or HandballApplicationWin depending on your operating system.

2. Choose the savedTournament file to import saved data.

**Now the application is ready to run**