Photo by [Robert Godvin]( on [Unsplash](
Einar works as a consultant and trains his son's handball team in his spare time. He is also the one that administrates local tournaments. Einar needs help simplifying the administration of cups because excel and applications are demanding to use. He thinks it will be a better experience for attendees and organizers if there was a simple solution to administrate the set-up and stats.
> Einar: I am in need of an application that makes administrating a cup easier and faster
### Jonas Hansson (24), studies economics and is a referee<br>
Photo by [Ben Parker]( on [Unsplash](
Jonas is studying economics on BI and has busy days because of projects and assignments. Besides being a student Jonas is a handball referee, and therefore it is important for him to decide when to referee a match. He thinks the stats and overview of matches are convoluted, everything needs to be registered manually
> Jonas: The cup should be administrated through a program that is pretty much automated and easy to use