stages: - backend build - frontend build - backend test - frontend test - deploy cache: key: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} paths: - .m2/repository/ - target/ - backend/node_modules/ - .yarn - android-sdk/ - .gradle/wrapper - .gradle/caches variables: # Specify the SDK tools version and build tools version to use ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK: 33 ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS: 33.0.0 ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS: 7583922 ANDROID_HOME: "/usr/local/android-sdk" GIT_STRATEGY: clone Prettier: image: node:16.10.0 stage: backend test needs: [] allow_failure: true script: - cd backend - npm i - npx prettier --check . retry: 1 rules: - if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main") && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"' Typescript-compile: image: node:16.10.0 stage: backend build needs: [] script: - cd backend - yarn --cache-folder ../.yarn - yarn tsc rules: - if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main") && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"' API-test: image: cypress/base:14.17.0 stage: backend test needs: [Typescript-compile] variables: DISPLAY: ":99" script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y xvfb - Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 & - cd backend - echo "FB_PRIV_KEY_JSON_ENCODED=$FB_PRIV_KEY_JSON_ENCODED" >> .env # - echo "export FB_PRIV_KEY_JSON_ENCODED=$FB_PRIV_KEY_JSON_ENCODED" - node keys/decode.js - chmod 400 keys/fb-key.json - yarn --cache-folder ../.yarn - yarn start:local & sleep 10 - yarn test retry: 1 artifacts: paths: - cypress/videos/*.mp4 expire_in: 1 week # Set the artifact expiration time according to your needs rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main" && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"' Gradle-build: image: gradle:7.5.0-jdk11 stage: frontend test needs: [] script: # Restore Android SDK from cache #- if [ -d android-sdk ]; then mv android-sdk/* $ANDROID_HOME/; fi # Download and install Android SDK - wget --quiet${ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS} - unzip -q -o -d android-sdk - rm -rf $ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-33 - echo y | android-sdk/cmdline-tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=$ANDROID_HOME "platforms;android-${ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK}" "build-tools;${ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS}" - cd frontend - ./gradlew clean - ./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies - gradle build rules: - if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main") && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"' VM Deploy: image: node:16.10.0 stage: deploy needs: [Typescript-compile, API-test] before_script: - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo "$NTNU_VM_SSH_KEY" | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa environment: name: production url: script: - ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@ -p 22 "bash /home/git/tdt4240-tank-wars/backend/ </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1" rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main" && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"' VM Heartbeat: stage: deploy needs: [VM Deploy] image: alpine script: - apk add --no-cache curl - | for i in {1..18}; do sleep 10 response_code=$(curl --silent --write-out "%{http_code}\n" --output response.txt --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 10 response_body=$(cat response.txt) echo "Response code: $response_code" echo "Response body: $response_body" if [ "$response_code" -eq 200 ]; then exit 0 fi done echo "Server did not respond with 200 OK after 3 minutes" exit 1 rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'