diff --git a/frontend/assets/config.properties b/frontend/assets/config.properties
index 0289a246f57e8cac0d1d159b95ff7431c226c438..b523374e7bd341c92960970fc18031239184ca2d 100644
--- a/frontend/assets/config.properties
+++ b/frontend/assets/config.properties
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ backend.protocol=http
 # local development: change backend-url to http://localhost:80
diff --git a/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LeaderboardController.java b/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LeaderboardController.java
index 643b8e1c5ebbd89eabac768ea803564933ae94ed..260f67065a99f1e157e80375a696aea86821fbe9 100644
--- a/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LeaderboardController.java
+++ b/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LeaderboardController.java
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
 import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json;
 import com.game.tankwars.Callback;
 import com.game.tankwars.ConfigReader;
+import com.game.tankwars.HTTPRequestHandler;
 import com.game.tankwars.ReceiverHandler;
 import com.game.tankwars.TankWarsGame;
 import com.game.tankwars.model.User;
@@ -21,8 +22,6 @@ public class LeaderboardController {
     private final TankWarsGame tankWarsGame;
     private final Button backButton;
     private final LeaderboardScreen screen;
-    Array<User> leaderboardUsers;
-    private int retries = 0;
     public LeaderboardController(final TankWarsGame tankWarsGame, Button backButton, LeaderboardScreen screen) {
         this.tankWarsGame = tankWarsGame;
@@ -47,40 +46,27 @@ public class LeaderboardController {
     public void fetchLeaderboard() {
-        // Create a new instance of the Callback interface to handle the response
-        Callback callback = new Callback() {
-            // Method called if the response is successful
-            @Override
-            public void onResult(String result) {
-                // Create a new Json instance to parse the response body
-                Json json = new Json();
-                // Convert the response body to an Array of User objects using the Json instance
-                leaderboardUsers = json.fromJson(Array.class, User.class, result);
-            }
-            // Method called if the response fails
-            @Override
-            public void onFailed(Throwable t){
-                // Increment the number of retries
-                retries += 1;
-            }
-        };
-        // Define the URL for the HTTP request
-        String url = ConfigReader.getProperty("backend.url") + "/highscores";
-        // Create a new HttpRequest using the HttpRequestBuilder class
-        Net.HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequestBuilder()
-                .newRequest()
-                .method(Net.HttpMethods.GET)
-                .url(url)
-                .build();
-        // Send the HttpRequest and pass in the Callback instance to handle the response
-        Gdx.net.sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, new ReceiverHandler(callback));
-    }
+        new HTTPRequestHandler(
+                new Callback() {
+                    @Override
+                    public void onResult(String result) {
+                        Json json = new Json();
+                        // Convert the response body to an Array of User objects using the Json instance
+                        Array<User> leaderboardUsers = json.fromJson(Array.class, User.class, result);
+                        screen.setLeaderBoard(leaderboardUsers);
+                    }
-    public Array<User> getLeaderboard() {
-        if (retries < 5 && leaderboardUsers == null) {
-            fetchLeaderboard();
-        }
-        return leaderboardUsers;
+                    @Override
+                    public void onFailed(Throwable t) {
+                        screen.setLeaderBoard(null);
+                    }
+                },
+                new HttpRequestBuilder()
+                        .newRequest()
+                        .url(String.format("%s/highscores", ConfigReader.getProperty("backend.url")))
+                        .method(Net.HttpMethods.GET)
+                        .build())
+                .sendRequest();
diff --git a/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LoginController.java b/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LoginController.java
index b5ea7ddfaa92580b86741052ec84776c51e14a66..ad8e1e1e1642a8c2df0ce81a368b21f9cd80ca8d 100644
--- a/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LoginController.java
+++ b/frontend/core/src/com/game/tankwars/controller/LoginController.java
@@ -14,10 +14,13 @@ import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener;
 import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json;
 import com.game.tankwars.Callback;
 import com.game.tankwars.ConfigReader;
+import com.game.tankwars.HTTPRequestHandler;
 import com.game.tankwars.ReceiverHandler;
+import com.game.tankwars.ResourceManager;
 import com.game.tankwars.TankWarsGame;
 import com.game.tankwars.model.CurrentUser;
 import com.game.tankwars.model.User;
+import com.game.tankwars.view.GameScreen;
 import com.game.tankwars.view.MainMenuScreen;
@@ -32,9 +35,8 @@ public class LoginController {
     private final Stage stage;
     private final TextButton loginButton;
     private final TextField usernameField;
-    private int retries = 0;
-    private boolean failed = false;
     CurrentUser currentUser;
+    Runnable mainMenuScreenTransition;
     public LoginController(final TankWarsGame tankWarsGame, TextButton loginButton, TextField usernameField, Stage stage) {
         this.tankWarsGame = tankWarsGame;
@@ -43,6 +45,13 @@ public class LoginController {
         this.stage = stage;
         currentUser = getCurrentUser();
+        mainMenuScreenTransition = new Runnable() {
+            @Override
+            public void run() {
+                ResourceManager.getInstance().clear();
+                tankWarsGame.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(tankWarsGame));
+            }
+        };
     public void setEventListeners() {
@@ -91,41 +100,28 @@ public class LoginController {
     public void handleInput(String username) {
-        retries = 0;
-        failed = false;
-        while (getCurrentUser().getUser() == null && !failed){
-        }
-        if (!failed)
-            tankWarsGame.setScreen(new MainMenuScreen(tankWarsGame));
     public void fetchUser(final String username) {
-        Callback callback = new Callback() {
+        new HTTPRequestHandler(new Callback() {
             public void onResult(String result) {
                 Json json = new Json();
                 User user = json.fromJson(User.class, result);
+                Gdx.app.postRunnable(mainMenuScreenTransition);
             public void onFailed(Throwable t) {
-                retries += 1;
-                if (retries < ReceiverHandler.MAX_RETRIES) {
-                    fetchUser(username);
-                } else {
-                    failed = true;
-                }
+                System.err.println("Login request failed:\n" + t);
-        };
-        String url = ConfigReader.getProperty("backend.url") + "/user/create/" + username;
-        Net.HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequestBuilder()
+        }, new HttpRequestBuilder()
-                .url(url)
-                .build();
-        Gdx.net.sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, new ReceiverHandler(callback));
+                .url(ConfigReader.getProperty("backend.url") + "/user/create/" + username)
+                .build()
+        ).sendRequest();