diff --git a/server/map_handler/__pycache__/add_new_lake.cpython-311.pyc b/server/map_handler/__pycache__/add_new_lake.cpython-311.pyc
index dd89aae39ab901f86fce84e3504e94ab4d91eb4c..a2f322da4b53723c391fe39b2dd41dda48c08e24 100644
Binary files a/server/map_handler/__pycache__/add_new_lake.cpython-311.pyc and b/server/map_handler/__pycache__/add_new_lake.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/server/map_handler/add_new_lake.py b/server/map_handler/add_new_lake.py
index a674b4b91386f6ac3eb5583e9925b0354f7451b2..f2db07411e69a85212976a8d1c3093795a22e86b 100644
--- a/server/map_handler/add_new_lake.py
+++ b/server/map_handler/add_new_lake.py
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import random
 from math import cos
 import geopandas as gpd
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, MultiLineString
 from shapely.ops import linemerge, unary_union, polygonize
+from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, MultiLineString
 from server.consts import LAKE_RELATIONS_PATH
@@ -26,15 +26,6 @@ def cut_map(self, cursor, lake_name: str, cell_size_in_km: float = 0.5):
         polygon_data = geo_data[geo_data['geometry'].geom_type == 'Polygon']
         polygons = [Polygon(polygon.exterior) for polygon in polygon_data['geometry']]
-        # Extracting interior polygons to preserve fully enclosed islands
-        interior_polys = []
-        for polygon in polygon_data['geometry']:
-            for interior in polygon.interiors:
-                if isinstance(interior, Polygon):  # Only include Polygon objects
-                    interior_polys.append(interior)
-        all_islands = polygonize(interior_polys)
         if len(polygons) <= 1:
             raise Exception("Failed to convert JSON object to Shapely Polygons")
@@ -45,13 +36,13 @@ def cut_map(self, cursor, lake_name: str, cell_size_in_km: float = 0.5):
         bounds = polygons[0].bounds
         start_x, start_y, _, _ = bounds
-        cell_width =  0.5 / 111.3200
+        cell_width = cell_size_in_km / 111.3200
         cell_height = cell_width / cos(start_x * 0.01745)
         # Process all polygons
         for polygon in polygons:
             # Generate a grid based on the calculated cell size
-            lines = create_grid(polygon, cell_width * 2, cell_height)
+            lines = create_grid(polygon, cell_width*2, cell_height)
             # Merge the grid lines into a single grid object
             lines = unary_union(lines)
@@ -61,9 +52,6 @@ def cut_map(self, cursor, lake_name: str, cell_size_in_km: float = 0.5):
             # Divide the polygon into tiles based on the generated grid
             divided_map.extend(combine_grid_with_poly(polygon, lines))
-        # Add islands as the last object
-        divided_map.extend(all_islands)
         # List to store new GeoJSON feature objects
         features = []
diff --git a/server/map_handler/lake_relations/all_lake_names.json b/server/map_handler/lake_relations/all_lake_names.json
index d1d3eb65a68c73e21a9996a2dbd03764de9777ac..3a0d20e16aa007f3a41dbaf3a1d5b58eb9ba55e9 100644
--- a/server/map_handler/lake_relations/all_lake_names.json
+++ b/server/map_handler/lake_relations/all_lake_names.json
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-  "Skumsjøen"
+  "Skumsjøen",
+  "Mjøsa"
\ No newline at end of file