diff --git a/server/map/__pycache__/get_relation.cpython-311.pyc b/server/map/__pycache__/get_relation.cpython-311.pyc
index 94d100007332813dbf0f83044e989f98f48831da..1b6c6ebc2a4069d240d6fbba5d55c7855f217958 100644
Binary files a/server/map/__pycache__/get_relation.cpython-311.pyc and b/server/map/__pycache__/get_relation.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/server/map/get_relation.py b/server/map/get_relation.py
index ec017cbbdb9fca60aac0267cc48a122e76a2c38c..c4270d84c28991765d1a5490c3d344dbaae0dbc5 100644
--- a/server/map/get_relation.py
+++ b/server/map/get_relation.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString
 from shapely.ops import linemerge, unary_union, polygonize
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import random
+import json
 import numpy as np
 polygon_min_x = None  # The left most point of the entire polygon
@@ -10,75 +11,53 @@ polygon_min_x = None  # The left most point of the entire polygon
 # Read a json file with relation data and send to response object
 def get_relation(self, body_of_water: str):  # NB: implement body_of_water
-    # Load GeoJSON data using geopandas
+    # Read relation from GeoJson file and extract all polygons
     geo_data = gpd.read_file("server/map/mjosa.geojson")
-    # Filter only polygons, exclude points and other feature types to reduce response size
     polygon_data = geo_data[geo_data['geometry'].geom_type == 'Polygon']
-    # Extract coordinates from polygons and create polygon objects
     polygons = [Polygon(polygon.exterior) for polygon in polygon_data['geometry']]
-    if len(polygons) <= 1:  # Return if conversion to polygon fails
+    if len(polygons) <= 1:
         print("Failed to convert to polygons")
-    divided_map = []  # List to store map shapes while splitting
-    polygon_counter = 1
-    num_of_polygons = len(polygons)
+    divided_map = []
-    print("Dividing map... This may take a few minutes")
-    # Divide all polygons into sections
     for polygon in polygons:
-        cell_size = 0.04  # NB smaller values require patience
-        # Divide the length and with of polygon into a grid of equally sized parts
+        cell_size = 0.04
         lines = create_grid(polygon, cell_size)
         lines = unary_union(lines)
         lines = linemerge(lines)
-        lines = (list(polygonize(lines)))
-        divided_map = combine_gird_with_poly(polygon, lines)
-        print("Polygon nr.", polygon_counter, " finished processing. ", num_of_polygons - polygon_counter,
-              " polygons left to process.")
-        polygon_counter += 1
-        break
-    tiles = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=divided_map)
+        lines = list(polygonize(lines))
+        divided_map.extend(combine_grid_with_poly(polygon, lines))
+    tiles = [gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[tile]) for tile in divided_map]
+    sub_div_id = 0
+    for tile in tiles:
+        tile['sub_div_id'] = sub_div_id
+        tile['sub_div_center'] = tile['geometry'].centroid.apply(lambda x: [x.x, x.y])
+        sub_div_id += 1
+    tiles_json = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []}
+    for tile in tiles:
+        feature = {
+            'type': 'Feature',
+            'geometry': tile.geometry.__geo_interface__,
+            'properties': {
+                'sub_div_id': int(tile['sub_div_id'].iloc[0]),
+                'sub_div_center': tile['sub_div_center'].tolist()
+            }
+        }
+        tiles_json['features'].append(feature)
-    print("Adding ID's and center coordinates")
-    tiles['subdiv_id'] = range(len(tiles))  # Give each subdivision a unique ID
-    # Calculate the center coordinates of each tile
-    tiles['subdiv_center'] = tiles['geometry'].centroid.apply(lambda x: [x.x, x.y])
-    print("Plotting map...")
-    # NB test plot
-    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-    ax.set_aspect(1.5)
-    # Plot the divided_map
-    tiles.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='none')
-    for i, tile in enumerate(tiles.geometry):
-        random_color = "#{:06x}".format(random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF))
-        gpd.GeoSeries(tile).plot(ax=ax, facecolor=random_color, edgecolor='none')
-    plt.show()
-    # Convert GeoDataFrame to GeoJSON
-    tiles_json = tiles.to_json()
-    # Set headers
     self.send_header("Content-type", "application/json")
-    # Write GeoJSON to response object
-    self.wfile.write(tiles_json.encode('utf-8'))
+    self.wfile.write(json.dumps(tiles_json).encode('utf-8'))
 def create_grid(poly: Polygon, cell_size):
@@ -105,7 +84,7 @@ def create_grid(poly: Polygon, cell_size):
     return grid_lines
-def combine_gird_with_poly(polygon, grid):
+def combine_grid_with_poly(polygon, grid):
     # Create an empty list to store tiles intersecting the polygon
     intersecting_tiles = []