diff --git a/server/data_processing/area_processing.py b/server/data_processing/area_processing.py
index 81446eda9a0e8829cb02e33a87476e9bb51ae3d5..ada5e41f9b49028a38196f4aa7b98250e31c2bad 100644
--- a/server/data_processing/area_processing.py
+++ b/server/data_processing/area_processing.py
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
 from math import pi, cos
-import pandas as pd
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import seaborn as sns
 EARTH = 6378.137  # Radius of the earth in kilometer
 METER = (1 / ((2 * pi / 360) * EARTH)) / 1000  # 1 meter in degree
@@ -28,17 +24,11 @@ def calculate_corners(lat, lng, area_offset):
         (lat_pos, lng_neg), # bottom right
         (lat_neg, lng_neg)  # bottom left
-'''return [(60.7798, 10.7062),  # NB: temporary hardcoded values
-    (60.7553, 10.7433),
-    (60.7718, 10.7975),
-    (60.7966, 10.7405)]'''
 # separate the zones into smaller area, into a grid
 def define_gridareas(lat, lng, area_offset, grid_size):
-    #a = dimension + subId + groupId soon to be implemented
-    #print(a)
-    grided_area = [] # container for an area turned into a grid of areas
-    #points = []
+    # container for an area turned into a grid of areas
+    grided_area = []
     # find the main area's corner positions
     main_area = calculate_corners(lat, lng, area_offset)
@@ -71,18 +61,6 @@ def define_gridareas(lat, lng, area_offset, grid_size):
             # use the center of sub areas to find the corner of each subarea
             corners = calculate_corners(lat_pos, lng_pos, subarea_offset)
             grided_area.append((sub_id, group_id + i%2, corners))
-            #points.append(corners[0])
-            #points.append(corners[1])
-            #points.append(corners[2])
-            #points.append(corners[0])
-    #lng = [-point[0] for point in points]
-    #lat = [point[1] for point in points]
-    #plt.figure()
-    #plt.scatter(lng, lat, marker='D')
-    #plt.xlabel("Longitude")
-    #plt.ylabel("Latitude")
-    #plt.show()
     return grided_area
diff --git a/server/data_processing/process_lidar_data.py b/server/data_processing/process_lidar_data.py
index 43209e790f54433400d02ae8656e02a30f2d35d1..46162b5a0db5bc9543e95b9332031865ad49a5f0 100644
--- a/server/data_processing/process_lidar_data.py
+++ b/server/data_processing/process_lidar_data.py
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ with laspy.open(lazData_path[0]) as fh:
 def inArea(position, areaRange):
     x, y, _ = position
     if (areaRange[0][0] > x > areaRange[1][0]) and (areaRange[0][1] < y < areaRange[1][1]):
-        #print(areaRange[0][0]," > ",x," > ",areaRange[1][0],") and (",areaRange[0][1]," < ",y," < ",areaRange[1][1])
-        #print("inside area", position)
         return True
         return False
@@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ def find_height(points):
         difference = max_height - min_height
-    # list of thickness in a area
+    # list of thickness in an area
     return height_differences
 # find the height of an area based on the coordinates of it's center
@@ -68,49 +66,8 @@ def calculate_area_data(center):
     # container for all the heights in area
     area_heights = []
-    # Limit the data to specific areas
-    # this is only temporary data for coordinates in arctic
-    # areas = [
-    #     [(-3671212, 7898422), (-3200175, 4699978)],
-    #     [(60.815356, 10.672022), (60.774878, 10.768867)],
-    # ]
-    # specified the area and it's range
-    #area = (area[0], area[2])
-    #print("area size")
-    # NB: is only for the test data (soon to be removed and switched with center)
-    #areazone = ((((7898422) - (4699978)))/2.0 + 4699978), (((-3671212) - (-3200175)))/2.0 - 3200175
-    #areazone = ((-3671212 - (-3200175))/center[0] - 3200175, (7898422 - 4699978)/center[1] + 4699978)
-    #print(areazone)
-    # max and min initial (-9.790000, -615.719971) - (696.619995, 96.660004)
-    # max and min g(idk)  (-36709.790000, 78284.280029) - (-36003.380005,78996.660004)
-    # should be within (-3200175, 4699978) - (-3671212, 7898422)
-    #print(utm.to_latlon(4699978, -3200175,18,'S'))
-    #areazone = ((((-3200175 + 3671212) / ( area[0][0] - area[2][0]))),
-    #                ((7898422 - 4699978) / (area[0][1] - area[2][1])))
-    #areazone = ((((-3200175 / area[0][0]) - ( - 3671212 / area[2][0]))),
-    #                ((7898422 / area[0][1]) - (area[2][1] / 4699978)))
-    area = calculate_corners(center[0],center[1], 1500)
-    print("area", area)
-    #areazone = calculate_corners(3496480.06669129,7681517.961979784, 400000)
-    #print(area[0]," area ", area[2])
-    #start_point = areazone[0]
-    #areazone = (areazone[2][0] - areazone[0][0], areazone[2][1] - areazone[0][1])
-    #print("az",areazone)
-    # areazone = [(((center[0]) * ((-3671212 / 60.815356) - (-3200175 / 60.774878))) - 3200175,
-    #              (center[1] * ((7898422 / 10.768867) - (4699978 / 10.672022))) + 4699978),
-    #             (((center[0] - 100) * ((-3671212 / 60.815356) - (-3200175 / 60.774878))) - 3200175,
-    #              ((center[1] - 1) * ((7898422 / 10.768867) - (4699978 / 10.672022))) + 4699978)]
+    # set the limit of the area compared to local coordinates
+    area_limit = calculate_corners(center[0],center[1], 1500)
     # Refactor lidar data to a readable format
     iceOver = laspy.read(lazData_path[0])
@@ -120,9 +77,8 @@ def calculate_area_data(center):
     ice_points = list(zip(iceOver.X,iceOver.Y,iceOver.Z)) + list(zip(iceUnder.X,iceUnder.Y,iceUnder.Z))
     max_point = max(ice_points)
     min_point = min(ice_points)
-    # area height in all the subsections
-    #grid_area_heights = define_gridareas(-3435693.5,6299200.0, 20000000000,4)
-    #grid_area_heights = define_gridareas(3496480.06669129,7681517.961979784, 400000,4)
+    # define all the sub-areas within the area, local coordinates
     grid_area_heights = define_gridareas(60,10, 1500,4)
     # find the heights of each sub-area => area-heights
@@ -131,46 +87,17 @@ def calculate_area_data(center):
         end = max(sub_area[2])
         #test data
-        areazone = [(((min_point[0] - max_point[0]) * ((start[0]-center[0])/(area[1][0]-area[3][0]))) + (min_point[0] - max_point[0])/2 + max_point[0],
-                     (((min_point[1] - max_point[1]) * ((start[1]-center[1])/(area[1][1]-area[3][1]))) + (min_point[1] - max_point[1])/2 + min_point[1])),
-                    ((((min_point[0] - max_point[0]) * ((end[0]-center[0])/(area[1][0]-area[3][0]))) + (min_point[0] - max_point[0])/2 + max_point[0],
-                     (((min_point[1] - max_point[1]) * ((end[1]-center[1])/(area[1][1]-area[3][1])))) + (min_point[1] - max_point[1])/2 + min_point[1]))]
-        #print("areazone", areazone)
+        # zone coordinates sett to be relative to the lidar data
+        areazone = [(((min_point[0] - max_point[0]) * ((start[0]-center[0])/(area_limit[1][0]-area_limit[3][0]))) + (min_point[0] - max_point[0])/2 + max_point[0],
+                     (((min_point[1] - max_point[1]) * ((start[1]-center[1])/(area_limit[1][1]-area_limit[3][1]))) + (min_point[1] - max_point[1])/2 + min_point[1])),
+                    ((((min_point[0] - max_point[0]) * ((end[0]-center[0])/(area_limit[1][0]-area_limit[3][0]))) + (min_point[0] - max_point[0])/2 + max_point[0],
+                     (((min_point[1] - max_point[1]) * ((end[1]-center[1])/(area_limit[1][1]-area_limit[3][1])))) + (min_point[1] - max_point[1])/2 + min_point[1]))]
+        # filter data within sub-area zones
         points_in_area = list(filter(lambda point_position: inArea(point_position, areazone), ice_points))
-        #main_vector = tuple(x - y for x, y in zip(area[2], area[0]))
-        #sub_vector = tuple(x - y for x, y in zip(sub_area[2][2], sub_area[2][0]))
-        #relative_to_laz = (tuple(x - y for x, y in zip(sub_area[2][0], area[0])),
-        #                   tuple(x + y for x, y in zip(sub_vector, sub_area[2][0])))
-        #relative_to_laz = (tuple(x / y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz[0], main_vector)),
-        #                   tuple(x / y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz[1], sub_area[2][0])))
-        #relative_to_laz = (tuple(x * y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz[0], areazone)),
-        #                   tuple(x * y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz[1], areazone)))
-        #relative_to_laz = (tuple(x + y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz[0], start_point)),
-        #                   tuple(x + y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz[1], start_point)))
-        #print("areaZone",areazone)
-        #print("sub area",sub_area)
-        #print("relativer",relative_to_laz)
-        #zone_limit = (tuple(x * y for x, y in zip(relative_to_laz, areazone)),
-        #            tuple(x * y for x, y in zip(sub_area[2][2], areazone)))
-        #print("zone_limit",zone_limit)
-        #zone_limit = (tuple(x + y for x, y in zip(zone_limit[0], start_point)),
-        #            tuple(x + y for x, y in zip(zone_limit[1], start_point)))
-        #print("zone_limit",zone_limit)
-        #ice_points = list(filter(lambda point_position: inArea((float(point_position[0]),float(point_position[1]),(float(point_position[2]))), (((-sub_area[2][0][0]), (sub_area[2][0][1])), ((-sub_area[2][2][0]), (sub_area[2][2][1])))), ice_points))
-        #ice_points = list(filter(lambda point_position: inArea(point_position, (((-areazone[0][0]),areazone[0][1]),(-areazone[2][0],areazone[2][1]))), ice_points))
-        #ice_points = list(filter(lambda point_position: inArea(point_position, (((-3200000,7400000),(-3671212,7898422)))), ice_points))
-        #print("ice",ice_points)
-        #area_heights.append((sub_area[0],sub_area[1],find_height(ice_points)))
     return area_heights
diff --git a/server/map/input_new_data.py b/server/map/input_new_data.py
index 600cd974cfc058863b1f418d7f12c3346f32c8b6..603a7a5a209dab0b4e2827d73cceeb4eaeeb03b5 100644
--- a/server/map/input_new_data.py
+++ b/server/map/input_new_data.py
@@ -22,23 +22,12 @@ def input_new_Lidar_data(self, cursor, sensorId, bodyOfWater):
         # auto generate new measurement id
         measurement_id = cursor.lastrowid
-        # supposed get all the hardcode the coordinates of the areas we want
-        # cursor.execute('''
-        #     SELECT CenterLatitude, CenterLongitude, SubDivisionID, GroupID
-        #     FROM SubDivision
-        #     GROUP BY CenterLatitude, CenterLongitude
-        # ''')
-        # position_data = cursor.fetchall()
+        # calculate the area of to be calculated based on the coordinates given to the calculation model
+        areas_data = calculate_area_data((latitude, longitude))
-        # soon to be removed
-        print("uwu")
-        areas_data = calculate_area_data((latitude, longitude))
-        print("area")
-        print(areas_data)
-            print("areas data",areas_data)
+            # calculate data for each zone within the area
             for area in areas_data:
                 if(len(area[2]) != 0):
                     average = sum(area[2])/len(area[2])
@@ -46,7 +35,10 @@ def input_new_Lidar_data(self, cursor, sensorId, bodyOfWater):
                     average = 0
                     minimum_thickness = 0
                 total_measurement_average += average
+                # input the data into the database
                 INSERT INTO SubDivision(MeasurementID, SubDivisionID, GroupID, MinimumThickness, AverageThickness, CenterLatitude, CenterLongitude, Accuracy) VALUES
@@ -54,8 +46,7 @@ def input_new_Lidar_data(self, cursor, sensorId, bodyOfWater):
             total_measurement_average = total_measurement_average / len(areas_data)
-            print("meas id ", measurement_id)
-            # input the newly generated measurement_id and whole average thickness (soon to be implemented)
+            # input the newly generated measurement_id and whole average thickness
                 UPDATE Measurement
                 SET measurementID = ?, WholeAverageThickness = ?
@@ -67,7 +58,8 @@ def input_new_Lidar_data(self, cursor, sensorId, bodyOfWater):
         # send the changes to the database
-        print("suc_ceed")
+        # Send response
+        self.send_response(200)
     # error handling
     except Exception as e: