diff --git a/bbcli/__init__.py b/bbcli/__init__.py
index 684db61f866f2ce11ab0690e769d165714469430..ff9361a3a1eb24f714b4b0424e66ff19ca8bdd7c 100644
--- a/bbcli/__init__.py
+++ b/bbcli/__init__.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 __app_name__ = "bbcli"
 __version__ = "0.1.0"
 # from .endpoints import *
-from .Node import *  
+# from .entities.Node import *  
 from .utils.utils import *
 from .services import login
 # from endpoints import get_user, get_course, get_assignments, get_course_contents
diff --git a/bbcli/endpoints.py b/bbcli/endpoints.py
index b516e66b83e6129b30b296f1cb9d3dfc12b4627c..abaf3ced4c59bd24e21536de0d000c36bcc36675 100644
--- a/bbcli/endpoints.py
+++ b/bbcli/endpoints.py
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ import requests
 import bbcli.cli as cli
 import click
 import os
+from colorama import Fore, Style
 from anytree import Node as Nd, RenderTree
 from bbcli import check_response
-from bbcli.Node import Node
+from bbcli.entities.Node import Node
 base_url = 'https://ntnu.blackboard.com/learn/api/public/v1/'
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ def get_course_contents(course_id: str):
-def get_children(session, worklist, url, acc, count: int = 0):
+def get_children(session, worklist, url, acc, count: int = 0, is_root = True):
     count = count + 1
     key = 'hasChildren'
     if len(worklist) == 0:
@@ -93,7 +94,10 @@ def get_children(session, worklist, url, acc, count: int = 0):
         node = worklist.pop()
         id = node.data['id']
-        old = f'{url}/{id}/children'
+        if is_root is False:
+            old = f'{url}/children'
+        else:
+            old = f'{url}/{id}/children'
         response = session.get(old, cookies=cli.cookies)
         if check_response(response) == False:
             return acc
@@ -116,50 +120,79 @@ def create_tree(root, nodes):
     root_node = Nd(root.data['title'])
     parent = root_node
+    colors = dict()
+    folders = dict()
+    colors[root.data['title']] = True
+    folders[root.data['title']] = root.data['id']
     for i in range(len(nodes)):
-        if (nodes[i].children and nodes[i] not in parents):
+        # if (nodes[i].has_children and nodes[i] not in parents):
+        id = nodes[i].data['id']
+        title = nodes[i].data['title']
+        if (nodes[i].has_children):
             for parent in parents:
-                if (parent == nodes[i].parent.data['title']):
-                    node = Nd(nodes[i].data['title'], parent)
+                if (parent.name == nodes[i].parent.data['title']):
+                    node = Nd(title, parent)
+                    folders[title] = id
-            node = Nd(nodes[i].data['title'], root_node)
+            node = Nd(title, root_node)
+            folders[title] = id
-        elif (nodes[i].children):
-            for parent in parents:
-                if (nodes[i].parent.data['title'] == parent):
-                    node = Nd(node.data['title'], parent)
-        if (nodes[i].children is False):
+        # elif (nodes[i].has_children):
+        #     for parent in parents:
+        #         if (nodes[i].parent.data['title'] == parent):
+        #             node = Nd(node.data['title'], parent)
+        #             folders[title] == id 
+        # if (nodes[i].has_children is False):
+        else:
             for parent in parents:
                 if (parent.name == nodes[i].parent.data['title']):
-                    node = Nd(nodes[i].data['title'], parent)
+                    node = Nd(title, parent)
+                    folders[title] = ''
     for pre, fill, node in RenderTree(root_node):
-        print("%s%s" % (pre, node.name))
+        folder_id = folders[node.name]
+        if folder_id == '':
+            print("%s%s" % (pre, node.name))
+        else:
+            print(f'{pre}{Fore.BLUE}{folder_id} {node.name} {Style.RESET_ALL}')
 @click.argument('course_id', default='_27251_1')
-def get_assignments(course_id: str):
+def get_assignments(course_id: str, folder_id=None):
-    Get the assignments
+    Get the assignments \n
+    Folders are blue and have an id \n
+    Files are white
     session = requests.Session()
-    url = f'{base_url}courses/{course_id}/contents'
+    if folder_id is not None:
+        url = f'{base_url}courses/{course_id}/contents/{folder_id}'
+    else:
+        url = f'{base_url}courses/{course_id}/contents'
     start = time.time()
     response = session.get(url, cookies=cli.cookies)
     if check_response(response) == False:
-        data = response.json()['results']
-        for root in data:
-            root = Node(root, True)
+        if folder_id is not None:
+            data = response.json()
+            # print(len(data))
+            root = Node(data, True)
             worklist = [root]
-            res = get_children(session, worklist, url, [])
+            res = get_children(session, worklist, url, [], is_root = False)
             create_tree(root, res)
+        else:
+            data = response.json()['results']
+            for root in data:
+                root = Node(root, True)
+                worklist = [root]
+                res = get_children(session, worklist, url, [])
+                create_tree(root, res)
     end = time.time()
     print(f'\ndownload time: {end - start} seconds')
diff --git a/bbcli/Node.py b/bbcli/entities/Node.py
similarity index 68%
rename from bbcli/Node.py
rename to bbcli/entities/Node.py
index 43edca6af98a41670300257eec49d0a24a47cb3a..c1c4d9d06600d99eee3c04bc7fe8c3c7267d55d9 100644
--- a/bbcli/Node.py
+++ b/bbcli/entities/Node.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 class Node(object):
-	def __init__(self, data, children, parent=None):
+	def __init__(self, data, has_children, parent=None):
 		self.data = data
-		self.children = children
+		self.has_children = has_children #bool
 		self.parent = parent
-		self.children = children #bool
 		# if children is not None:
 		# 	for child in children:
 		# 		self.add_child(child)