= Workflow Example :customcss: slides.css :icons: font :includedir: revealjs/includes/ :LECTURE_TOPIC: Workflow example :LECTURE_NO: 8th lecture include::{includedir}header.adoc[] [.smaller-80][.center-paragraph] IT1901 Fall 2019 - {LECTURE_NO} [background-color = "#124990"] [color = "#fff6d5"] == Overview - User story - Issues - Git flow [background-color = "#124990"] [color = "#fff6d5"] == User Story == User Story In the backlog of the simpleexample2 we get the following user story: - As a user I want to be able to add name, description etc. to some of the locations I saved on the map in order to be easier to refer back to the most interesting places. [.notes] -- * we know from the PO / users that the expected points with additional info is relatively small -- == From user story to issues [%step] - considering that the user story is to be included in the next iteration (sprint) then - the user story starts a process of discussion and planning within the development team - we need to understand what are the consequences of the new requirements for the different modules - we also need to create the necessary issues that [background-color = "#124990"] [color = "#fff6d5"] == Issues == The issues https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/it1901/course-material/issues [background-color = "#124990"] [color = "#fff6d5"] == Typical git flow == Source code management [.center-paragraph] link:scm.html[Source code management (SCM)] include::{includedir}footer.adoc[]