**Version 1.0**

Team 12
Table of content
[Table of contents 2](#_Toc38465524)
[Preface 3](#_Toc38465525)
[General information 3](#_Toc38465526)
[Alternative use of the application 3](#_Toc38465527)
[Tooltips 3](#_Toc38465528)
[Connection to the database 3](#_Toc38465529)
[Getting started 3](#_Toc38465530)
[Opening the application 3](#_Toc38465531)
[Creating an account 4](#_Toc38465532)
[Log in 7](#_Toc38465533)
[Using the application 7](#_Toc38465534)
[Navigating the main menu 8](#_Toc38465535)
[Home button 8](#_Toc38465536)
[Upload photo 8](#_Toc38465537)
[View albums 11](#_Toc38465538)
[Creating an album 12](#_Toc38465539)
[Adding pictures to albums 13](#_Toc38465540)
[Viewing an album: 15](#_Toc38465541)
[Creating PDF from album 17](#_Toc38465542)
[Remove photos from an album 18](#_Toc38465543)
[Delete album 19](#_Toc38465544)
[Search through pictures 20](#_Toc38465545)
[Delete photos 22](#_Toc38465546)
[View map 23](#_Toc38465547)
[View image metadata and tags 24](#_Toc38465548)
[Add and delete tags 24](#_Toc38465549)
[Ending the session 25](#_Toc38465550)
[Logging out 25](#_Toc38465551)
[Exiting the application 25](#_Toc38465552)
[Deleting user account 25](#_Toc38465553)
# Table of content
- [Table of contents](#nr1)
- [Preface](#nr2)
- [General information](#nr3)
- [Alternative use of the application](#nr3-1)
- [Tooltips](#nr3-2)
- [Connection to the database](#nr3-3)
- [Getting started](#nr4)
- [Opening the application](#nr4-1)
- [Creating an account](#nr4-2)
- [Log in](#nr4-3)
- [Using the application](#nr5)
- [Navigating the main menu](#nr5-1)
- [Home button](#nr5-2)
- [Upload photo](#nr5-3)
- [View albums](#nr5-4)
- [Creating an album](#nr5-5)
- [Adding pictures to albums](#nr5-6)
- [Viewing an album](#nr5-7)
- [Creating PDF from album](#nr5-8)
- [Remove photos from an album](#nr5-9)
- [Delete album](#nr5-10)
- [Search through pictures](#nr5-11)
- [Delete photos](#nr5-12)
- [View map](#nr5-13)
- [View image metadata and tags](#nr5-14)
- [Add and delete tags](#nr5-15)
- [Ending the session](#nr6)
- [Logging out](#nr6-1)
- [Exiting the application](#nr6-2)
- [Deleting user account](#nr7)
# Preface
... | ... | |