diff --git a/MrBigsock/Assets/Code/PlayerController.cs b/MrBigsock/Assets/Code/PlayerController.cs
index 8a5b37fd07d91a2d9d23c1d70307761af7bb36b8..40982143828cbf784f0249fd0ed420f0ddf2cee9 100644
--- a/MrBigsock/Assets/Code/PlayerController.cs
+++ b/MrBigsock/Assets/Code/PlayerController.cs
@@ -38,12 +38,21 @@ namespace BigSock {
 		bool canMove = true;
+		// The abilities of the player.
+		private List<AbilityEntity> _abilities = new List<AbilityEntity>();
+		// A list of the keycodes that correspond to each of the player's abilities.
+		private List<List<KeyCode>> _keyMapping = new List<List<KeyCode>> {
+			new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.Space, KeyCode.Mouse0},
+			new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.Z},
+			new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.C},
+			new List<KeyCode>{KeyCode.LeftShift},
+		};
-		protected IAttack _testAttack;
-		protected IAttack _testAttack2;
-		protected IAttack _testAttack3;
-		protected IAbility _dodge;
+		//protected IAttack _testAttack;
+		//protected IAttack _testAttack2;
+		//protected IAttack _testAttack3;
+		//protected IAbility _dodge;
 		public DateTime NextTimeCanAttack { get; private set; } = DateTime.Now;
@@ -56,6 +65,22 @@ namespace BigSock {
+		/*
+			Updates the list of the user's abilities. 
+		*/
+		protected void SetAbilities(List<IAbility> neo) {
+			var res = new List<AbilityEntity>();
+			for(int i = 0; i < neo.Count; ++i) 
+				res.Add(new AbilityEntity(neo[i], i, _keyMapping[i]));
+			_abilities = res;
+			//!! Put in updating he ui here.
+			foreach(var ability in _abilities) {
+				// AbilityUI.SetAbility(ability.Index, ability); ???
+			}
+		}
 		// Start is called before the first frame update 
 		protected override void Start()
@@ -81,10 +106,21 @@ namespace BigSock {
 			//var tmp = PrefabService.SINGLETON;
 			//var tmp = SpriteService.SINGLETON;
-			_testAttack = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(104);
-			_testAttack2 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(102);
-			_testAttack3 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(101);
-			_dodge = AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(201);
+			// Get the abilities and set them up.
+			var aService = AbilityService.SINGLETON;
+			var abilities = new List<IAbility> {
+				aService.Get(104),
+				aService.Get(102),
+				aService.Get(101),
+				aService.Get(201),
+			};
+			SetAbilities(abilities);
+			//_testAttack = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(104);
+			//_testAttack2 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(102);
+			//_testAttack3 = (IAttack)AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(101);
+			//_dodge = AbilityService.SINGLETON.Get(201);
 			_ = AudioService.SINGLETON;
 			_ = SpriteService.SINGLETON;
@@ -131,34 +167,90 @@ namespace BigSock {
 		// Dictionary that holds start times for charging abilities.
-		Dictionary<KeyCode, float> chargeStarts = new Dictionary<KeyCode, float>();
+		//Dictionary<KeyCode, float> chargeStarts = new Dictionary<KeyCode, float>();
 			Triggers an ability if it should be.
 				Need to add support for mouse buttons n shiet
-		private void CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode key, IAbility ability) {
+		private void CheckAbilityInput(AbilityEntity ability) {
+			var par = GetAbilityParam(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));
+			// Check input on each key, stop if one was a success.
+			foreach(var key in ability.Keys)
+				if(CheckAbilityInput(key, ability)) break;
+			// Update the UI.
+			//> AbilityUI?.UpdateCharge(ability.Index, ability.ChargePercent);
+			//> AbilityUI?.UpdateCooldown(ability.Index, ability.CooldownPercent);
+		}
+		private bool CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode key, AbilityEntity ability) {
+			var par = GetAbilityParam(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));
+			switch (ability.Ability.FireType) {
+				// Standard: Press to fire.
+				case FireType.Standard:
+					if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) { 
+						ability.Ability.Use(par);
+						return true;
+					}
+					break;
+				// FullAuto: Keep firing while key is down.
+				case FireType.FullAuto:
+					if (Input.GetKey(key)) {
+						ability.Ability.Use(par);
+						return true;
+					}
+					break;
+				// Charge: Fire when let go.
+				case FireType.Charge:
+					// If pressed down: Store start time.
+					if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) {
+						ability.ChargeStarted = Time.time;
+						return true;
+					}
+					// If let go: Activate
+					else if (Input.GetKeyUp(key)) {
+						par.ChargeTime = ability.ChargeTime;
+						var t = ability.Ability.Use(par);
+						if (!t) {
+							if (par.ChargeTime < ability.Ability.MinCharge)
+								Debug.Log($"[PlayerController.CheckAbilityInput({key})] {ability.Ability.Name} not fired ({par.ChargeTime:N3} < {ability.Ability.MinCharge:N3})");
+						}
+						return true;
+					}
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		private void CheckAbilityInput2(KeyCode key, IAbility ability) {
 			var par = GetAbilityParam(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition));
-			switch(ability.FireType) {
+			switch (ability.FireType) {
 				// Standard: Press to fire.
 				case FireType.Standard:
-					if(Input.GetKeyDown(key)) ability.Use(par);
+					if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) ability.Use(par);
 				// FullAuto: Keep firing while key is down.
 				case FireType.FullAuto:
-					if(Input.GetKey(key)) ability.Use(par);
+					if (Input.GetKey(key)) ability.Use(par);
 				// Charge: Fire when let go.
 				case FireType.Charge:
 					// If pressed down: Store start time.
-					if(Input.GetKeyDown(key)) chargeStarts[key] = Time.time;
+					if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) chargeStarts[key] = Time.time;
 					// If let go: Activate
-					else if(Input.GetKeyUp(key)) {
+					else if (Input.GetKeyUp(key)) {
 						par.ChargeTime = Time.time - chargeStarts[key];
 						var t = ability.Use(par);
-						if(!t) {
-							if(par.ChargeTime < ability.MinCharge)
+						if (!t) {
+							if (par.ChargeTime < ability.MinCharge)
 								Debug.Log($"[PlayerController.CheckAbilityInput({key})] {ability.Name} not fired ({par.ChargeTime:N3} < {ability.MinCharge:N3})");
@@ -187,14 +279,18 @@ namespace BigSock {
 			//	_testAttack.Use(par);
+			// Check and update all abilities.
+			foreach(var ability in _abilities) {
+				CheckAbilityInput(ability);
+			}
 			// Check ability 1.
-			CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Space, _testAttack);
-			CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Mouse0, _testAttack);
+			//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Space, _testAttack);
+			//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Mouse0, _testAttack);
 			// Check ability 2.
-			CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Z, _testAttack2);
+			//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.Z, _testAttack2);
 			// Check ability 3.
-			CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.LeftShift, _dodge);
-			CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.C, _testAttack3);
+			//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.LeftShift, _dodge);
+			//CheckAbilityInput(KeyCode.C, _testAttack3);
 			//if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) Debug.Log($"[PlayerController.Update()] Z was pressed.");