# How to use the system
After installing and opening the program you will be greeted by this view. To create a new cup, click the 'New cup' button. To get more information about floorball, click 'Rules'. Clicking 'Help' takes you to _this_ page.


After clicking 'New cup' you are greeted with this scene. Here, you can fill in relevant information about your cup. In this example we will create a cup with the name 'Dragvoll cup' and set it's location to 'Dragvoll. Click the date icon to choose dates from a calendar. Remember to write the time in the stated format 'hh:mm'. Failing to do this will result in an error. Click on the 'Create' button when you are ready. Some fields can be changed later on.


After creating the cup, you will be taken back to the home page, but now you can see your newly created cup. To go into the cup, either double click on it, or click it once and then click 'Go to cup'.


We have now entered the cup overview scene. Right now we have no divisions, so let's press 'Create new division' and create one.


Type in the division category. For this example we will use 'Women Senior'. Click 'Create' once ready.


Now we have a cup which has a division, but we still have no teams. Press the 'Teams' tab to the right of the 'Divisions' tab which is currently selected. Then we can create a new team by pressing 'Add new match'.

Now we have a cup which has a division, but we still have no teams. Select the team and go to the division created either by double clicking or clicking "Go to division"



Now we are in the division. Since there are no matches or teams there is nothin displayed. Let's create some.



Press the 'Teams' tab to the right of the 'Matches' tab which is currently selected. Then we can create a new team by pressing 'Add new team'.



Now we have created two teams. Let us create a match with these teams.

Here is the match creator. You can select teams from all the teams created. When finished setting up the match. Press the create button.
Now we have a match. It displays practical information about the match. We can also go into the match overview to edit a single match.
From here we can edit the score, start time, duration, field and end the match. Remember to hit the "Update match" page after editing a match on this page.
When clicking on the finished button, it displays that the match is finished both here and in the overview.
Since the match is done we can have a look at a specific team. Since this team has finished a match and won it shows that on this page.

Hopefully this was understandable and good luck managing the next cup. |
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