diff --git a/soitool/codebook_to_pdf.py b/soitool/codebook_to_pdf.py
index 4001e9037bd090723ad31a26c811a5192431faaf..73c54ddc9708e9726e4ae1c73c8ed12cc37b89a1 100644
--- a/soitool/codebook_to_pdf.py
+++ b/soitool/codebook_to_pdf.py
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 from enum import Enum
 from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
-from reportlab.platypus import Table, Paragraph, TableStyle, \
-    SimpleDocTemplate, Spacer
+from reportlab.platypus import (
+    Table,
+    Paragraph,
+    TableStyle,
+    SimpleDocTemplate,
+    Spacer,
 from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle
 from reportlab.lib import colors
 from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4, portrait
@@ -12,28 +17,35 @@ from reportlab.lib.units import cm
 from soitool.database import Database
 A4_WIDTH = A4[0]
-TITLE_FULL = '<u>Kodebok</u>'
+TITLE_FULL = "<u>Kodebok</u>"
 TITLE_SMALL = "<u>Liten Kodebok</u>"
 HEADERS = ["Ord/Uttrykk", "Kategori", "Type", "Kode"]
 HEADER_BG_COLOR = colors.HexColor("#a6a6a6")
 TITLE_STYLE = ParagraphStyle(
-    name='Title',
-    fontName='Helvetica',
+    name="Title",
+    fontName="Helvetica",
-    underlineWidth=1.5
+    underlineWidth=1.5,
 PAGE_NUMBER_FONT = "Helvetica"
-TABLE_STYLE = TableStyle([
-    ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (3, 0), 16),                 # Header-font
-    ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (3, 0), 10),            # Header-padding bottom
-    ("BACKGROUND", (0, 0), (3, 0), HEADER_BG_COLOR),  # Header background-color
-    ("ALIGN", (0, 0), (3, 0), "CENTER"),              # Header-text centered
-    ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black),      # Border around cells
+TABLE_STYLE = TableStyle(
+    [
+        ("FONTSIZE", (0, 0), (3, 0), 16),  # Header-font
+        ("BOTTOMPADDING", (0, 0), (3, 0), 10),  # Header-padding bottom
+        (
+            "BACKGROUND",
+            (0, 0),
+            (3, 0),
+            HEADER_BG_COLOR,
+        ),  # Header background-color
+        ("ALIGN", (0, 0), (3, 0), "CENTER"),  # Header-text centered
+        ("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black),  # Border around cells
+    ]
 class CodebookSize(Enum):
@@ -43,8 +55,9 @@ class CodebookSize(Enum):
     SMALL = 1
-def generate_codebook_pdf(codebook_size=CodebookSize.FULL,
-                          page_size=A4, orientation=portrait):
+def generate_codebook_pdf(
+    codebook_size=CodebookSize.FULL, page_size=A4, orientation=portrait
     """Generate PDF with data from database-table 'CodeBook'.
@@ -80,8 +93,9 @@ def generate_codebook_pdf(codebook_size=CodebookSize.FULL,
     file_name = generate_filename(codebook_size)
     # Create document, add elements and save as PDF
-    doc = SimpleDocTemplate(file_name, pagesize=orientation(page_size),
-                            topMargin=30)
+    doc = SimpleDocTemplate(
+        file_name, pagesize=orientation(page_size), topMargin=30
+    )
     doc.build(elements, canvasmaker=PageNumCanvas)
diff --git a/soitool/database.py b/soitool/database.py
index 6e998717b7fce6540b5acc5536f9b2e844156cca..3936aeb9e41bb040d2df160c27db439e5a4aa587 100644
--- a/soitool/database.py
+++ b/soitool/database.py
@@ -10,17 +10,20 @@ CURDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
 DBPATH = os.path.join(CURDIR, DBNAME)
 # DDL-statements for creating tables
-           "(Word VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL CHECK(length(Word) > 0), " \
-           "Category VARCHAR, " \
-           "Type VARCHAR DEFAULT 'Stor' CHECK(Type='Stor' OR Type='Liten'), " \
-           "Code VARCHAR UNIQUE)"
-                "(Word VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, Category VARCHAR)"
+    "CREATE TABLE CodeBook"
+    "(Word VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL CHECK(length(Word) > 0), "
+    "Category VARCHAR, "
+    "Type VARCHAR DEFAULT 'Stor' CHECK(Type='Stor' OR Type='Liten'), "
+    "CREATE TABLE CategoryWords" "(Word VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, Category VARCHAR)"
-class Database():
+class Database:
     Holds database-connection and related functions.
diff --git a/soitool/inline_editable_soi_view.py b/soitool/inline_editable_soi_view.py
index 1734ca3531d101ea5671d735e00d1a28478b1d05..a1aaea031295cc74b1b8a844859c326419186795 100644
--- a/soitool/inline_editable_soi_view.py
+++ b/soitool/inline_editable_soi_view.py
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 """Includes functionality for inline editing of SOI."""
 from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, QRectF, QTimer, QPoint, QMarginsF
-from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QScrollArea, QLabel, \
-    QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsRectItem
+from PySide2.QtWidgets import (
+    QApplication,
+    QScrollArea,
+    QLabel,
+    QGraphicsScene,
+    QGraphicsView,
+    QGraphicsRectItem,
 from PySide2.QtGui import QFont, QPixmap, QBrush, QPalette, QPainter
 from PySide2.QtPrintSupport import QPrinter
@@ -90,9 +96,11 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
             ok = painter.begin(printer)
             if not ok:
-                raise ValueError("Not able to begin QPainter using QPrinter "
-                                 "based on argument "
-                                 "filename '{}'".format(filename))
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Not able to begin QPainter using QPrinter "
+                    "based on argument "
+                    "filename '{}'".format(filename)
+                )
             # render each page to own PDF page
             for i, modules in enumerate(self.pages):
@@ -100,9 +108,10 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
                 x = 0
                 y = self.soi.HEIGHT * i + self.soi.PADDING * i
-                self.scene.render(painter, source=QRectF(x, y,
-                                                         self.soi.WIDTH,
-                                                         self.soi.HEIGHT))
+                self.scene.render(
+                    painter,
+                    source=QRectF(x, y, self.soi.WIDTH, self.soi.HEIGHT),
+                )
                 # if there are more pages, newPage
                 if i + 1 < len(self.pages):
@@ -119,8 +128,9 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
             # adjust page size
             full_scene_height = y + self.soi.HEIGHT
-            self.scene.setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, self.soi.WIDTH,
-                                           full_scene_height))
+            self.scene.setSceneRect(
+                QRectF(0, 0, self.soi.WIDTH, full_scene_height)
+            )
             self.draw_page(x, y)
             self.draw_header(x + self.soi.PADDING, y + self.soi.PADDING, i + 1)
@@ -150,30 +160,37 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
         page_number.setFont(QFont("Times New Roman", 50))
         # source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8638114/3545896
         # CAUTION: does not work if font is set through stylesheet
-        label_width = \
+        label_width = (
+        )
         page_number.move(x + (self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH - label_width) / 2, y)
         # classification
         classification = QLabel(self.soi.classification)
-        classification.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0%); "
-                                     "color: red")
+        classification.setStyleSheet(
+            "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0%); " "color: red"
+        )
         classification.setFont(QFont("Times New Roman", 50))
         # source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8638114/3545896
         # CAUTION: does not work if font is set through stylesheet
-        label_width = (classification.fontMetrics()
-                       .boundingRect(classification.text()).width())
-        x_pos = x + self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH - label_width - \
-            self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT
+        label_width = (
+            classification.fontMetrics()
+            .boundingRect(classification.text())
+            .width()
+        )
+        x_pos = (
+            x + self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH - label_width - self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT
+        )
         classification.move(x_pos, y)
         # patch
         pixmap = QPixmap(self.soi.icon)
         patch = QLabel()
-        patch.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT,
-                                      self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT))
+        patch.setPixmap(
+            pixmap.scaled(self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT, self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT)
+        )
         patch.move(x + self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH - self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT, y)
@@ -186,19 +203,32 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
         y : int
         # color the page white
-        page_background = QGraphicsRectItem(x, y, self.soi.WIDTH,
-                                            self.soi.HEIGHT)
+        page_background = QGraphicsRectItem(
+            x, y, self.soi.WIDTH, self.soi.HEIGHT
+        )
         # draw borders
         self.scene.addRect(x, y, self.soi.WIDTH, self.soi.HEIGHT)
-        self.scene.addRect(x + self.soi.PADDING, y + self.soi.PADDING,
-                           self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH, self.soi.CONTENT_HEIGHT)
-        self.scene.addRect(x + self.soi.PADDING, y + self.soi.PADDING,
-                           self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH, self.soi.CONTENT_HEIGHT)
-        self.scene.addRect(x + self.soi.PADDING, y + self.soi.PADDING,
-                           self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH, self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT)
+        self.scene.addRect(
+            x + self.soi.PADDING,
+            y + self.soi.PADDING,
+            self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH,
+            self.soi.CONTENT_HEIGHT,
+        )
+        self.scene.addRect(
+            x + self.soi.PADDING,
+            y + self.soi.PADDING,
+            self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH,
+            self.soi.CONTENT_HEIGHT,
+        )
+        self.scene.addRect(
+            x + self.soi.PADDING,
+            y + self.soi.PADDING,
+            self.soi.CONTENT_WIDTH,
+            self.soi.HEADER_HEIGHT,
+        )
     def setup_scene(self):
         """Prepare scene for use.
@@ -220,6 +250,7 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
         Used to demonstrate zooming only, should be removed once the project
         def do_on_timeout():
             self.zoom(1 / 1.00005)
@@ -244,8 +275,9 @@ class InlineEditableSOIView(QScrollArea):
         # Zoom
         self.view.scale(zoom_factor, zoom_factor)
-        pos_old = self.view.mapToScene(QPoint(self.soi.WIDTH / 2,
-                                              self.soi.HEIGHT / 2))
+        pos_old = self.view.mapToScene(
+            QPoint(self.soi.WIDTH / 2, self.soi.HEIGHT / 2)
+        )
         pos_new = self.view.mapToScene(self.soi.WIDTH / 2, self.soi.HEIGHT / 2)
         delta = pos_new - pos_old
         self.view.translate(delta.x(), delta.y())
diff --git a/soitool/main.py b/soitool/main.py
index 8b55ed6c5e7869231b39663df1edfb9672e3d2ea..94daab90f293ea5cacd4b379de9638dc2b27bdfb 100644
--- a/soitool/main.py
+++ b/soitool/main.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class CoolWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
                 "Change text",
                 "Please type something",
-                QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal
+                QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal,
             if ok:
diff --git a/soitool/main_window.py b/soitool/main_window.py
index 11e6510bd19d0da697811af4abd3c2298fca9c8b..3c731220df321bf8f4c377abedbc4aae928fd99a 100644
--- a/soitool/main_window.py
+++ b/soitool/main_window.py
@@ -7,8 +7,15 @@ import sys
 import os
 from enum import Enum
 from functools import partial
-from PySide2.QtWidgets import QTabWidget, QWidget, QMainWindow, \
-    QApplication, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QAction
+from PySide2.QtWidgets import (
+    QTabWidget,
+    QWidget,
+    QMainWindow,
+    QApplication,
+    QHBoxLayout,
+    QVBoxLayout,
+    QAction,
 from PySide2.QtGui import QIcon
 from soitool.codebook import CodeBookTableView
 from soitool.codebook_row_adder import CodebookRowAdder
@@ -93,15 +100,17 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
         # Export full codebook
         export_codebook_full = QAction("Stor kodebok", self)
         export_codebook_full.setStatusTip("Eksporter stor kodebok som PDF")
-        export_codebook_full.triggered.connect(partial(generate_codebook_pdf,
-                                                       CodebookSize.FULL))
+        export_codebook_full.triggered.connect(
+            partial(generate_codebook_pdf, CodebookSize.FULL)
+        )
         # Export small codebook
         export_codebook_small = QAction("Liten kodebok", self)
         export_codebook_small.setStatusTip("Eksporter liten kodebok som PDF")
-        export_codebook_small.triggered.connect(partial(generate_codebook_pdf,
-                                                        CodebookSize.SMALL))
+        export_codebook_small.triggered.connect(
+            partial(generate_codebook_pdf, CodebookSize.SMALL)
+        )
         # Hot keys
@@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
         # Add HV logo
-        filename = 'media/HVlogo.PNG'
+        filename = "media/HVlogo.PNG"
         dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
         filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
@@ -155,7 +164,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
             # Set layout, add tab and select tab
-            self.tabs.addTab(tab, 'Kodebok')
+            self.tabs.addTab(tab, "Kodebok")
diff --git a/soitool/module_list.py b/soitool/module_list.py
index d8c81252b5a56cb53f6db3f5cf9337c5c2d27270..bf65f8cb421b972260d59a2c0628ca01fa5e1837 100644
--- a/soitool/module_list.py
+++ b/soitool/module_list.py
@@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ class ModuleList(QListWidget):
         # full import path below to avoid circular dependency
-        if not isinstance(parent,
-                          soitool.soi_workspace_widget.SOIWorkspaceWidget):
-            raise RuntimeError('Only soitool.SOIWorkspaceWidget is '
-                               'acceptable type for parent-variable '
-                               'in class Module_list.')
+        if not isinstance(
+            parent, soitool.soi_workspace_widget.SOIWorkspaceWidget
+        ):
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Only soitool.SOIWorkspaceWidget is "
+                "acceptable type for parent-variable "
+                "in class Module_list."
+            )
         self.type = module_type
         self.parent = parent
         self.original_element_name = None
@@ -56,11 +59,14 @@ class ModuleList(QListWidget):
         """Fill list with elements."""
         # Get names of modules/attachments:
         if ModuleType(self.type) == ModuleType.MAIN_MODULE:
-            names = [module["meta"]["name"] for
-                     module in self.parent.soi.modules]
+            names = [
+                module["meta"]["name"] for module in self.parent.soi.modules
+            ]
         elif ModuleType(self.type) == ModuleType.ATTACHMENT_MODULE:
-            names = [attachment["meta"]["name"] for
-                     attachment in self.parent.soi.attachments]
+            names = [
+                attachment["meta"]["name"]
+                for attachment in self.parent.soi.attachments
+            ]
         for i, name in enumerate(names):
             item = QListWidgetItem(name)
diff --git a/soitool/modules/module_table.py b/soitool/modules/module_table.py
index 29adbce0881c19645afa7c8e0435eefc6748a197..77808f65a055310e6a299db0d16f067bcd3d4aad 100644
--- a/soitool/modules/module_table.py
+++ b/soitool/modules/module_table.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from PySide2 import QtGui, QtCore
 from soitool.modules.module_base import ModuleBase
 HEADER_FONT = QtGui.QFont()
@@ -78,14 +78,20 @@ class TableModule(ModuleBase, QTableWidget, metaclass=Meta):
         if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Question:
-        elif (event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
-              and event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Underscore):
+        elif (
+            event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
+            and event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Underscore
+        ):
-        elif (event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
-              and event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus):
+        elif (
+            event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
+            and event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Plus
+        ):
-        elif (event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
-              and event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Underscore):
+        elif (
+            event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
+            and event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Underscore
+        ):
             super(TableModule, self).keyPressEvent(event)
diff --git a/soitool/pdf_preview_widget.py b/soitool/pdf_preview_widget.py
index f241cb20cb087efdffcf52ae9057a1d99f47d143..a868be31aa5ba3a0bd7c86b5c829188a12b8689c 100644
--- a/soitool/pdf_preview_widget.py
+++ b/soitool/pdf_preview_widget.py
@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ class PDFPreviewWidget(QWebEngineView):
     def __init__(self, initial_url):
-        self.page().settings().setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings.PluginsEnabled,
-                                            True)
+        self.page().settings().setAttribute(
+            QWebEngineSettings.PluginsEnabled, True
+        )
         # the following setting is the default, but explicitly enabling to be
         # explicit
-        self.page().settings().setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings.
-                                            PdfViewerEnabled, True)
+        self.page().settings().setAttribute(
+            QWebEngineSettings.PdfViewerEnabled, True
+        )
diff --git a/soitool/setup_settings.py b/soitool/setup_settings.py
index 3fef0c0c7d804eeff898b060f91a7e56ea68fa95..1f23448163ae9224e83db8ac1d9ffbecb4fcd7e4 100644
--- a/soitool/setup_settings.py
+++ b/soitool/setup_settings.py
@@ -4,8 +4,16 @@ This dialog is called when a button in soi_workspace_widget is pressed
-from PySide2.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QFormLayout, \
-    QLabel, QLineEdit, QRadioButton, QPushButton
+from PySide2.QtWidgets import (
+    QDialog,
+    QVBoxLayout,
+    QHBoxLayout,
+    QFormLayout,
+    QLabel,
+    QLineEdit,
+    QRadioButton,
+    QPushButton,
 class Setup(QDialog):  # pylint: disable = R0902
@@ -34,8 +42,8 @@ class Setup(QDialog):  # pylint: disable = R0902
         self.head1 = QLabel("Header1")  # Change variablename later
         self.head2 = QLabel("Header2")  # Change variablename later
-        self.hline1 = QLineEdit()    # Change variablename later
-        self.hline2 = QLineEdit()    # Change variablename later
+        self.hline1 = QLineEdit()  # Change variablename later
+        self.hline2 = QLineEdit()  # Change variablename later
         self.layout_header.addRow(self.head1, self.hline1)
         self.layout_header.addRow(self.head2, self.hline2)
@@ -79,3 +87,7 @@ class Setup(QDialog):  # pylint: disable = R0902
         self.button_cancel.clicked.connect(self.reject)  # esc-key (default)
         self.button_save.clicked.connect(self.accept)  # enter-key (default)
+    # need two functions, save and cancel
+    # when cancel, clear lineedits and set radiobuttons to default or SOI-parts
+    # when save, lineedits writes to labels and find a way to get radiobuttons
diff --git a/soitool/soi.py b/soitool/soi.py
index 7a4281db04e573965cd4eb7bd8a296fb499fa0c5..4ad77ea0481aa4f83f499bb56eb8acc76bf178fc 100644
--- a/soitool/soi.py
+++ b/soitool/soi.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class ModuleType(Enum):
-class SOI():
+class SOI:
     """Datastructure for SOI.
     Holds all info about an SOI necessary to view and edit it.
@@ -72,20 +72,22 @@ class SOI():
     # separate data classes (auto-placement stuff in one class, styling in
     # another, etc).
     # pylint: disable=r0913
-    def __init__(self,
-                 title="Default SOI title",
-                 description="Default SOI description",
-                 version="1",
-                 date=None,
-                 valid_from=None,
-                 valid_to=None,
-                 icon="soitool/media/HVlogo.png",
-                 classification="ugradert",
-                 orientation="landscape",
-                 placement_strategy="auto",
-                 algorithm_bin="BFF",
-                 algorithm_pack="MaxRectsBI",
-                 algorithm_sort="SORT_AREA"):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        title="Default SOI title",
+        description="Default SOI description",
+        version="1",
+        date=None,
+        valid_from=None,
+        valid_to=None,
+        icon="soitool/media/HVlogo.png",
+        classification="ugradert",
+        orientation="landscape",
+        placement_strategy="auto",
+        algorithm_bin="BFF",
+        algorithm_pack="MaxRectsBI",
+        algorithm_sort="SORT_AREA",
+    ):
         # populate date-related arguments if they are not supplied by the user
         if date is None:
@@ -122,31 +124,16 @@ class SOI():
         self.modules = [
                 "widget": TableModule(),
-                "meta": {
-                    "x": 0,
-                    "y": 0,
-                    "page": 1,
-                    "name": 'Tabell1'
-                }
+                "meta": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "page": 1, "name": "Tabell1"},
                 "widget": TableModule(),
-                "meta": {
-                    "x": 0,
-                    "y": 0,
-                    "page": 1,
-                    "name": 'Tabell2'
-                }
+                "meta": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "page": 1, "name": "Tabell2"},
                 "widget": TableModule(),
-                "meta": {
-                    "x": 0,
-                    "y": 0,
-                    "page": 2,
-                    "name": 'Tabell3'
-                }
-            }
+                "meta": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "page": 2, "name": "Tabell3"},
+            },
         # NOTE
@@ -154,12 +141,7 @@ class SOI():
         self.attachments = [
                 "widget": TableModule(),
-                "meta": {
-                    "x": 0,
-                    "y": 0,
-                    "page": 2,
-                    "name": 'Tabell1'
-                }
+                "meta": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "page": 2, "name": "Tabell1"},
@@ -177,16 +159,22 @@ class SOI():
             itself a dict with fields "x", "y" and "page", and "widget" is a
             widget based on "ModuleBase"
-        distance_to_start_of_next_soi_content_y = self.CONTENT_HEIGHT + \
-            self.PADDING * 2 + self.HEADER_HEIGHT
+        distance_to_start_of_next_soi_content_y = (
+            self.CONTENT_HEIGHT + self.PADDING * 2 + self.HEADER_HEIGHT
+        )
-        scene_skip_distance_page_height = \
-            distance_to_start_of_next_soi_content_y * \
-            (module["meta"]["page"] - 1)
+        scene_skip_distance_page_height = (
+            distance_to_start_of_next_soi_content_y
+            * (module["meta"]["page"] - 1)
+        )
         new_x = module["meta"]["x"] + self.PADDING
-        new_y = module["meta"]["y"] + self.PADDING + self.HEADER_HEIGHT + \
-            scene_skip_distance_page_height
+        new_y = (
+            module["meta"]["y"]
+            + self.PADDING
+            + self.HEADER_HEIGHT
+            + scene_skip_distance_page_height
+        )
         module["widget"].set_pos(QPoint(new_x, new_y))
@@ -199,8 +187,9 @@ class SOI():
         next to each other from left to right
         x = self.MODULE_PADDING
-        first_page_modules = [module for module in self.modules
-                              if module["meta"]["page"] == 1]
+        first_page_modules = [
+            module for module in self.modules if module["meta"]["page"] == 1
+        ]
         for module in first_page_modules:
             module["meta"]["x"] = x
@@ -214,8 +203,9 @@ class SOI():
         # NOTE the following is simply duplicated.. left like this to KISS
         # will be replaced by rectpack anyways
         x = self.MODULE_PADDING
-        second_page_modules = [module for module in self.modules
-                               if module["meta"]["page"] == 2]
+        second_page_modules = [
+            module for module in self.modules if module["meta"]["page"] == 2
+        ]
         for module in second_page_modules:
             module["meta"]["x"] = x
             module["meta"]["y"] = self.MODULE_PADDING
diff --git a/soitool/soi_workspace_widget.py b/soitool/soi_workspace_widget.py
index 76b5531b35690ce19984de8cdd938edd232b8bb6..c2ea49e1dc3b8edb05fb38cf181269781f2080a6 100644
--- a/soitool/soi_workspace_widget.py
+++ b/soitool/soi_workspace_widget.py
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 Meant for use inside of tabs in our program.
-from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, \
-    QLabel
+from PySide2.QtWidgets import (
+    QWidget,
+    QHBoxLayout,
+    QVBoxLayout,
+    QPushButton,
+    QLabel,
 from soitool.soi import SOI, ModuleType
 from soitool.module_list import ModuleList
 from soitool.inline_editable_soi_view import InlineEditableSOIView