The application is built using The React framework and the multi-process-architecture framework Electron
The functionality is coded in ReactJs / javaScript
In the database calls we used SQL syntax
For styling, we have used Bootstrap and custom CSS-styles
Imported libraries:<be/>
To easily collaborate on the code, we decided to split all React-Components into separate documents that can be imported to the index file. Component documents are as follows: <br />
```categoryDetails.js```<br />
```categoryEdit.js```<br />
```categoryList.js```<br />
```categoryNew.js```<br />
```index.js```<br />
```taskCompleted.js```<br />
```taskCompletedDetails.js```<br />
```taskDetails.js```<br />
```taskEdit.js```<br />
```taskList.js```<br />
```taskNew.js```<br />
All database calls were created using SQL calls from a single js-document called ```services.js```. In services and the database settings and login in a separate document called ```mysqlpool.js```
We created a separate document called ```widgets.js``` where we export reusable classes, components, Bootstrap-styles, and icons to minimize the code in all components to allow for more readability of the code in each component.
We also formatted the code using the prettier extension to allow for better code readability as well as easier code collaboration.