**For MacOS / Linux**
- Dependencies: [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git), [NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm)
>1. Go to https://gitlab.stud.iie.ntnu.no/mmaldoor/to-do-list
>2. Press ```Clone``` and copy the link under Clone with HTTPS.
>The link should look like this```https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/mmaldoor/to-do-list.git```
>3. Open Terminal and navigate to the desired location to store the repository.
>4. type ```git clone``` and paste the link you copied<br />
>The whole command should look like this ```git clone https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/mmaldoor/to-do-list.git```
>5. type ```cd to-do-list``` in terminal
>6. Type ```npm install``` in terminal. <be />
>And wait for `found 0 vulnerabilities` to appear in the Terminal
>7. Type ```npm start```
The Application should start in Electron
**For Windows**
- Dependencies: [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git), [NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm)
>1. Download and install [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com)
>2. Make sure Git bash is installed.
>3. In Visual Studio Code open the terminal either by pressing ```[ctrl + [ø]``` or navigate to ```View -> Toggle terminal```
>4. Go to https://gitlab.stud.iie.ntnu.no/mmaldoor/to-do-list
>5. Press ```Clone``` and copy the link under Clone with HTTPS.
>The link should look like this```https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/mmaldoor/to-do-list.git```
>5. Open Terminal and navigate to the desired location to store the repository.
>6. type ```git clone``` and paste the link you copied<br />
>The whole command should look like this ```git clone https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/mmaldoor/to-do-list.git```
>7. type ```cd to-do-list``` in terminal
>8. Type ```npm install``` in terminal. <be />
>And wait for `found 0 vulnerabilities` to appear in the Terminal
>9. Type ```npm start```
The Application should start in Electron